GenCon 2012 Tourney

By Aahzmandius_Karrde, in X-Wing

If I'm spending $14 on one ship and 4-6 character cards and need several ships to even play the game in organized play, then I'm out. There's gotta be a cheaper way of gaining squads without buying the cards included in every pack.

Well, I'm HALF-out. I expect I will buy the Starter and a TIE & Y-wing expansion pack just to see how it looks and have something in case Dog wants to play me; but otherwise I'm going to wait. Not totally Sold.

IG-58 , my vacation plans this year are all wrapped up, but I find myself wishing I could get together with you two and see how this game shakes out. I'm not an Organized Play kind of person, but I'd sure like to see how much fun is to be had with this game! Too bad it probably can't be played on Vassal…

I just received this email from Gen Con Events, informing tourney attendees of a change to the duration.

To all X-WIng™ competitors:

Due to an update in the tournament rules, we are extending the round length from 60 minutes to 75 minutes. This moves the end of the preliminary rounds from 4 PM to just after 6PM, with single-elimination rounds for the Top 8 following. Please direct any questions or comments to [email protected].

Thank you,

Stuart Wilson

Organized Play Associate

[email protected]

This may draw some ire from those who might want to either drop out, or decide not to enter the tournament all together -- the whole day is shot to hell. I'm still on the fence whether I want to drop out (and get a refund -- I "pre-registered" for the tourney, and still hope for the best for FFG). We'll see what I do, when I get there.

Nicco said:

If I'm spending $14 on one ship and 4-6 character cards and need several ships to even play the game in organized play, then I'm out. There's gotta be a cheaper way of gaining squads without buying the cards included in every pack.

You need the cards in order to play that ship as a pilot with that skill. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

I suppose their other option is to only include one card per ship … but then in order to field multiple ships with the same skill pilot you'd need to buy even more packs. Really, the best option is to include a number of pilots with a single ship model, so that players have the flexibility to use different pilots as needed.

Really, I don't see the problem with having multiple pilots per ship model. From what I can see, it is much better (and cheaper) than the alternative.

Well, the latest preview has some more detail on point costs, and I was pretty much right.

A "plain" skill 4 X-wing pilot is 23 points.

A rookie (skill 2) X-wing pilot is 21.

Luke w/R2, Proton torps, and Marksmanship would only be able to take 2x 21pt rookie wingmen.

So, Rebel forces are looking at 4 fighters max in 100 pts. Most likely 3-4.

Imperials range from 12pt (for the skill 1 rookie) to ~20 (we know skill 7 costs 17pts)

Imperials could get 8 ships max (all rookies), but most likely will be in the 5-6 ship range on average.