2 New player questions on deck building

By dookie67, in Strategy and deck-building

Hey everyone

I just barely bought the core set for this game and absolutely love it. I've found two quick questions I wanted to ask here.

1:Most of the deck builds I see use 3 heroes. Can strong decks be made with only 2, or is a third hero always worth the extra threat?

2:Can I make this a 3 or 4 player game with a core set and a few adventure packs, or do I need a second core set for more than two people?


1. You should definitely run 3 heroes with the cards you have. The loss in resources is not counterbalanced by the lower starting threat. The current cycle of APs is developing the "secrecy" theme where you get benefits from having threat lower than 20 - however even with the Secrecy cards it is yet unclear that 2 hero decks are particularly effective.

2. I haven't tried what you suggest myself, but I believe the consensus is that you can get perfectly good play with 3-4 players from the card pool you have. You certainly don't NEED 2 core sets for 3-4 players as FFG suggest - the only thing lacking would be two threat counters but you can easily cover this with dice or pen and paper.

I agree with jjeagle and just want to add the obvious that if you play with 4 players and one core set, you're gonna be playing with 30-card decks instead of 50. But I found that to be quite fun. Even with a second Core you couldn't make 4 50-card decks. You would need some APs, as you mentioned. But definitely give a 4-player game a try using the four starter decks. It's a blast!