Noob going into organized play.

By Nicco2, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I am a newbie to this game, though I am a veteran board game, miniatures, and card game veteran. What would be a fairly good army list going into a 160 point army value event? I have experimented with a few army combinations and I really don't mind what faction anyone would post.

I know this has already been done before, but before anyone directs me to a similar post, know that I have already seen most of the similar answers to my question and a lot of them kinda skew into different topics.

Also, are there any Allentown, P.A. players/events?

I have a group of players that meet for the most part big weekly at king of Prussia mall at comics and more. Our next event is July 21 its 160 point tournament there is a post in the organized play forum with more info. As for lists I'll post a few once I can get to a proper desktop but you can look up the top 2 armies from last years gencon if you go back far enough in the news.

I saw that event. I'm prolly going to it. I've been playing casually for quite a while but I've been stepping my game up recently. I have some ideas of what I'm building since I have access to every unit in the game. I'm just checking to see if anything is extremely viable and what I should look out for in terms of enemy army composition.

As for army comp in competitive play its the same as regular play for the most part, you just need to have an army that is able to deal with most other list while at the same time is hard to deal with. Also having a good amount of activations is a must.

Which faction do you play?

Considering I have a huge collection, I play both Axis and Allies. I'm waiting on the SSU for now.