Alright FFG, I'll admit you make great games. I love every game I've gotten from you guys, but I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't like you any more.
I say this because I have noticed a distinct trend in your game design. I notice some almost absurd, racist depictions in your games, chiefly Tiny Manu of Rockband Manager and now Duke Skazzu Milingo of Sky Traders. So here is my aforementioned question:
Do you guys even have any people of color working for you? I doubt you're actually, hatefully racist in this day and age, but you guys really should be watching out for this. You make great games and this sort of stuff could hurt peoples' opinions of you and your games, thus losing you sales.
I'm a fan, and I hope to stay a fan. And I'm sure you guys want more fans, because that translates directly into more profit. So just keep your eyes open for this ok?