House of Fears question

By Gunnar79, in Mansions of Madness Print on Demand Expansions

We played through the print on demand expansion House of Fears today. It was very enjoyable and a great thematic experience, however there are some questions that came to mind:

Are the Lost Souls meant to be ghosts or insane but still physical former actors?

There is also an option in setup about where the Lost Souls are heading, for example the dinner room, but then there doesn't seem to be a purpose to deciding where they are moving to? There are no rules that say they have to move towards there when activated through the Keeper card abilities. And no explanation why they are moving there?

Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?

It's really just to point the investigators in the right direction for the next Clue. I thought they were ghosts who could take physical form for a moment (enough to attack).