Test Regiments (Post your own and comment)

By Santiago, in Only War Beta


I was trying the Regiment Creation rules and this was one of the first things I came up with:

Scintella Armed Forces:

When the need for more specialised urban warfare became more evident with more of inner planets being attacked Sector Governor Marius Hax responded. He ordered the training of urban warfare regiments. They were to be equipped lightly so that they would be able to move around quickly through the urban jungle of the hive cities. Unfortunately they may have been equipped to lightly, resulting those that survive the cut to be battle hardened and careful.

Scintella Armed Forces Regiment Rules

Characters belonging to the Scintellan 891st Urban Warfare Regiment gain the following advantages:
Character Modifiers: +2 Weapon Skills, +3 Ballistic Skills, -3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Perception
Starting Aptitudes: Toughness
Starting Skills : Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (War), Deceive, Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing) or Paranoia, Resistance (Fear), Street Fighting
Accustomed to Crowds: Hive worlders grow up surrounded by crowds, and they are used to weaving through even the densest mobs with ease. Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain for hive worlders, and when Running or Charging through a dense crowd, hive worlders take no penalty to the Agility Test to keep their feet.
Hivebound: Hive worlders seldom endure the horrors of the open sky or suffer the indignities of the great outdoors. Whilst outside of an enclosed or artificial environment (such as a hive city, starship or similar), they suffer a –10 penalty to all Survival Tests, due to their continued unfamiliarity
with such places.
Starting Wounds: Hive world characters reduce their starting Wounds by 1.
Standard Regimental Kit: 1 M36 lasgun and 3 charge packs, mono knife, 2 frag grenades, flak vest, uniform, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, cognomen tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations, gas mask, micro-bead, chrono and a Sentinal Walker per squad
Favoured Weapons: Heavy Bolter, Grenade Launcher

Say, what do you guys think of this Sororitas hack I saw somewhere?

1) Limit them to Imperial/Penitent/Schola homeworlds
2) Swap out Armoured Regiment for Sororitas Crusade
3) Replace the tank with Power Armour, lasguns with bolters and one bolter clip per 2 lasgun charge packs. Restrict their usage of Equipment Doctrines.
4) Forbid usage of Psykers and abhumans,
5) Characteristic Changes: +3 Willpower, -3 Intelligence, starting Skill Scholastic Lore: Ecclesiarchy and starting Talent Pure Faith as per that of Rogue Trader or Blood of Martyrs, your pick.

If we're going for BoM though, I'd houserule that the various Aptitudes for Faith Talents would be as follows:

Emperor's Sign: Willpower, Defence
Emperor's Mercy: Willpower, Social
Emperor's Wrath: Willpower, Offence

As for a regular regiment:

91st Byzanturin Armoured

Commanding Officer : Pasha Mahmoud Marius Sayyaff-ud-deen Victor
Character Modifiers : +3 Willpower, +6 Intelligence, -3 Weapon Skill
Starting Aptitudes : Toughness, Willpower
Starting Skills : Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic), Command, Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents : Hatred (Mutant), Technical Knock (1)
Blessed Ignorance : -5 to all Forbidden Lore Tests
Kill The Mutant : Starts with Hatred (Mutant)
Starting Wounds : As normal
Regimental Kit : 1 Leman Russ per Squad, 1 anointed maintenance kit, one uniform, 1 full suit of flak armour, 1 commbead, 1 chrono, 1 set of magnoculars, 1 dose of recaf (to be consumed in emergencies), 1 flak vest, 1 uniform, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, cognomen tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations.

Raised on the pious Shrine World of Byzantur, the 91st Armoured has seen heavy fighting against the Archenemy, hardening their stance against the mutant and the heretic. Their commanding officer, Pasha Victor, is well aware that his talents lie more in the ballroom than in the battlefield, especially considering the fast-paced nature of tank combat. Unlike most officers of his ilk, however, he is more than willing to let his subordinates take charge in hairy situations, instead focusing his efforts at allaying the complaints of anyone otherwise harmed by his maverick troops. The 91st's soldiers are highly intelligent and strong-willed, often fighting on when most other regiments would fall back, save for those of Penitent Worlds. Being a pious people, they loathe the misshapen form of the mutant, believing fully the credo that to be corrupt in body would show corruption in soul.

49th Byzanturin Siege Legion ("Forlorn, but not Despairing!")

Commanding Officer : Pasha Mukhtar Augustus Kheir-ud-deen Aurelius
Character Modifiers : +3 Willpower, +3 Toughness, +2 Weapon Skill
Starting Aptitudes : Toughness, Willpower
Starting Skills : Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10, Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic), Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)
Starting Talents : Hatred (Mutant), Rapid Reload, Street Fighting
Blessed Ignorance : -5 to all Forbidden Lore Tests
Kill The Mutant : Starts with Hatred (Mutant)
Starting Wounds : As normal
Regimental Kit : 1 M36 Lasgun, 1 Combat Shotgun with 4 clips, 1 full suit of flak armour, 2 frag grenades, 2 Flash Grenades, 1 respirator, 4 empty sandbags, 1 entrenching tool, 1 commbead, 1 dose of recaf (to be used in emergencies), 1 mono-edged combat knife, 1 flak vest,1 uniform, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, cognomen tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations.

Another Byzantur-raised regiment, the 49th is led by the near-fanatical Pasha Aurelius, who views religious indoctrination among his men to be as important (if not more important) as military knowledge- as such, his troops are surprisingly knowledgeable about the Imperial Creed, and have served as unofficial preachers for regiments and squads that otherwise lack priests of their own. Like their Pasha (who rose to power from Commissarial ranks), the 49th Byzantur prefer their fights up close and personal (though they're issued lasguns, such weapons are only to provide covering fire and to hold the enemy at bay before a charge), often advancing through rubble or under the cover of the 91st Armoured's guns. They are extremely skilled in urban combat, and have often been the first up the wall during a breakthrough in a siege. They often charge under cover of their flash grenades, and the battle-hymns they sing are often the second-last thing their blinded enemies hear before the roar of their shotguns.

A bit simular to the Death Korps but still uniquely Calixian…

Maccabeus Quintus

Never give up, never give in

Men and women from this world are very pious and are willing to give their lives in name of the God Emperor. Though willing does not mean by far foolish. The men and women of Maccabeus Quintus a fierce fighters and never give up, they never give in. Before they leave for their term of service they are given their last sacraments so that they don't have to lay down their lives without having received them.

Regiment Rules:

Characters belonging to the 259th Maccabeus Quintus Siege Regiment gains the following advantages
Characteristic Modifiers: +2 WS, +6 Toughness, -3 Intelligence, +3 Willpower
Starting Aptitudes: Toughness
Starting Skills: Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy), Common Lore (Imperial Creed),Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (War), Intimidate, Tech Use
Starting Talents: Nerves of Steel , Unshakeable Faith, Street Fighting
Only One Life to Give: So driven to martyrdom are the penitent, that it can drive them to take unnecessary risks, lamenting that they can only sacrifice themselves once. Penitent characters must pass an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to retreat from combat or otherwise act in the
interests of self-preservation.
True Martyrs: It was on Maccabeus Quintus that Saint Drusus was almost assassinated but saved through intervention of the God Emperor. All men from Quintus see as their duty to give their everything in name of their patron saint. This faith helps to them fight on against impossible odds, and neither fear nor doubt will hinder them. When required to make a Fear or Pinning Test, ignore all penalties applied to the Test, and simply treat it as a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test.
Starting Wounds: Characters from this regiment begin with +2 starting Wounds
Starting Regimental Kit: 1 M36 lasgun and 4 charge packs, laspistol and 2 charge packs, 1 mono knife, flak armour, 2 frag grenades, 2 photon flash grenades, 2 smoke grenades, 2 uniforms, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, dog tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations, respirator, entrenching tool, 4 empty sandbags, survival suit, purity seals, chrono

Sheol XVII Penal Legions

Regiment Rules

Characters belonging to the 1205th Sheol Penal Legion gain the following advantages
Characteristic Modifiers: +2 Weapon Skills, +6 Agility
Starting Aptitudes: Ballistic Skills
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Navigate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Dead Eye Shot, Peer (Underworld), Resistance (Fear), Sprint, Street Fighters
Larcenous: Hailing from worlds where the black market is the only market, penal colonists are skilled at obtaining illicit items, whether to sell, on or for their own purposes. Penal colony characters add a +10 to all Logistics Tests made to acquire illegal or contraband items.
Starting Regimental Kit: Las carbine and 4 charge packs, laspistol and 2 charge packs, flak jacket and flak helmet, 3 frag grenades, 3 smoke grenades, 1 mono knife, 1 uniforms, poor weather gear, rucksack, basic toolkit, mess kit and water canteen, blanket and sleep bag, rechargeable lamp-pack, grooming kit, dog tags, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer, 2 weeks’ rations, respirator

The Twelth Xanatorian Penal Legion

This penal legion is deployed to the most brutal sieges and trench wars imagineable. And unlike a standard regiment, which has some hope of being given time behind the lines for R&R, these criminals are deployed until they're dead or the war is over. This has led them to become one of the toughest siege units imagineable, and quite willing to go over the top and try to end the war in a drug enhanced frenzy, if only to end the tedium and die… or get some time back in a cell while being shipped to a new Warzone. This trait is only further enforced by their Sanguine Commander, Lt Colonel Lucian Ergo - who was given the command in disgrace, but has managed to shower himself in glory.

Characteristics: +6 Toughness, +3 Ag, –3 Intelligence
Starting Aptitudes: Toughness
Starting Skills: Tech-Use, Intimidate
Starting Talents: Nerves of Steel, Die Hard, Street Fighting*

*Honour amongst Thieves - Street Fighting - Street Fighting is universal amongst the warriors of this regiment.
Larcenous - +10 to all Logistics tests to get Contraband and Illegal Items

Wounds: +1 starting wounds

Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and six charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, one respirator per Player Character, four empty sandbags and one entrenching tool per Player Character, two frag grenades and two photon flash grenades, 1 Smoke Grenade, one injector with three doses of Frenzon and 1 dose of slaught, per Player Character. (Plus standard kit items)

Favoured Weapons: Heavy Flamer, Meltagun

Hopefully I didn't miss any stages. For the record this is:

Penal Legion, Sanguine Commander, Siege Infantry, Die Hards, Combat Drugs. With a Smoke Grenade and a dose of Frenzon added to standard kit with the 15 points a penal regiment gets.

Avernus 47th “Avernus Avengers” Interceptor Regiment

Once the sight of an attempted secession, the men and women of Avernus are a dutiful but mistrusted lot. The planet's natural resources and great flat wastes have led to the regiment's focus on well-maintained fast assault vehicles and devastating lightning-quick strikes. The regiment itself is keen on redemption, but are a generally friendly lot, consisting largely of wealthy nobles' children and volunteers from the populace who seek to redeem their world's blighted reputation.

Characteristics: +3 Fellowship, +3 Toughness, +3 Ballistics Skill, -3 Strength
Skills: Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, War,) Intimidate, Operate (Surface)
Wounds: +2 starting
Talents: Nerves of Steel or Orthoproxy or Unshakeable Faith, Resistance (Fear)
Aptitude: Willpower
Other abilities:
Must pass an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test to retreat from combat
May re-roll Charm tests to inspire zeal or hatred in others
+10 Logistics for fueling/repairing Tauros vehicles
Starting Kit: common-craftsmanship M36 Lasgun w/Extra Grip, 4 clips of M36 Lasgun ammo, +2 Krak grenades, common-craftsmanship knife, common-craftsmanship Flak Vest, uniform, rucksack, grooming kit, sleeping bag, blanket, rechargeable lamp pack, mess kit, canteen, basic tools, 4 weeks’ rations, dog tags, Imperial Guardsman’s Uplifting Primer, one Tauros vehicle per squad

(I fudged the rules with this one - it's 13 or 14 points, I think, and the Tauros doesn't have stats yet - but I quite like it.)

I'll be posting the regiments I created for the 100 Regiments for Only War thread.

Altanian Street Fighters

Altan is a densely populated Hive World with a kilometers-deep city covering virtually the entire planet. Altan is a vital trade hub in it's area, and to maintain order on the planet the governor maintains a sizable PDF force, which is constantly drilled in urban warfare - and it is from the elite of this force that the planet tithes guardsmen.

Altanian Street Fighters are shock troops deployed via Valkyries into dense urban combat zones, giving them the mobility they need to quickly move between different theatres of operation. They are used to dealing with riots and crowd control, and are skilled in civilian pacification tactics. The regiment deploys in urban camouflage, and can cover city terrain quickly and efficiently. They are also all given the basic training needed to deal with civilians in an emergency scenario.

Altanian Street Fighters Regiment Rules
Characters belonging to the Altanian 12th Street Fighters Regiment gain the following advantages:
Characteristic Modifiers: +2 Weapon Skill, +3 Agility, +3 Perception
Starting Aptitudes: Willpower
Starting Skills: Command, Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, Operate (Aeronautica)
Starting Talents: Catfall, Street Fighting, Heightened Senses (Hearing) or Paranoia or Unremarkable.
Accustomed to Crowds: Altanians grew up surrounded by crowds, and they are used to weaving through even the densest mobs with ease. Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain for Altanians, and when Running or Charging through a dense crowd, Altanians take no penalty to the Agility Test to keep their feet.
Hivebound: Altanians seldom endure the horrors of the open sky or suffer the indignities of the great outdoors. Whilst outside of an enclosed or artificial environment (such as a hive city, starship or similar), they suffer a -10 penalty to all Survival Tests, due to their continued unfamiliarity with such places.
Wounds: Characters from this regiment reduce their starting Wounds by 1.
Standard Regimental Kit: Combat Shotgun (Main Weapon) and four charge packs, Truncheon, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 Smoke Grenades, Imperial Guard Flak Armour, Uniform, Poor Weather Gear, Ruck Sack, Basic Toolkit, Mess Kit, Water Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Rechargeable Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Dog Tags, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, 2 Weeks Combat Rations, Respirator, Micro-Bead, Chrono, Photo-Visor, Grav-Chute
Favoured Weapons: Flamer, grenade launcher

I'm posting the regiments I created for the 100 Regiments for Only War thread.

Provendus Women's Brigade

The planet Provendus is an agricultural planet that had fallen to feudalism before being rediscovered by the Imperium. Due to a quirk of the abundant local food supply, men are rarely born on Provendus - only about 1 in 100 children have a Y chromosome. In spite of this, the population has survived due mainly to men filling a cultural niche where they are honoured breeding stock, serving as "mate" to several women chosen for being worthy of passing on their genes to the next generation. The men are pampered by the women they serve… but given little real freedom. All other societal roles, from the governess on down, are filled by women.

Unsurprisingly, this means the local PDF is "manned" entirely by women, who in turn form the entirety of Provendus' tithes to the Imperial Guard. The Provendus Women's Brigade are known to be tough, hard-bitten ladies who love to be in the thick of things. Heavy mechanized infantry units use Gorgon Armoured Assault Transports to force their way through fortifications, and unload heavily armed squads to run rampant through the enemy lines. Lighter mechanized infantry units use Chimera IFV's to quickly deploy across the battlefield.

Provendus Women's Brigade Regiment Rules
Characters belonging to the Provendus 64th Women's Brigade Regiment gain the following advantages:
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Toughness, +3 Agility, -3 Perception, +3 Willpower
Starting Aptitudes: Toughness
Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (War), Linguistics (High Gothic), Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Hatred (Mutant), Rapid Reload
Blessed Ignorance: Provendusans know the proper ways of living are those tried and tested by the generations that have gone before. Horror, pain, and death are the just reward of curiosity, for those that look too deeply into the mysteries of the universe are all too likely to find malefic beings looking back at them. Their wise blindness imposes a -5 penalty to all Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.
Well-Provisioned: As Mechanized Infantry, the Provendus Women's Brigade is given supply priority by the Munitorum. They receive a +10 bonus on all Logistics tests to obtain fuel and parts for repairing and maintaining their vehicles.
Wounds: Characters from this regiment generate starting Wounds normally.
Standard Regimental Kit: Good M35 Lasgun (Main Weapon) with 6 charge packs, Autopistol with 2 clips, Knife, Imperial Guard Flak Armour, 3 Frag Grenades, 3 Krak Grenades, Uniform, Parade Uniform, Poor Weather Gear, Rucksack, Basic Toolkit, Mess Kit, Water Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Rechargeable Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Dog Tags, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, Munitorum Manual, 4 Weeks Combat Rations, Micro-Bead, One Chimera IFV per Squad
Favoured Weapons: Heavy boltgun, grenade launcher

Copied from a writeup I did elsewhere, and not written up the same way due to thinking it deserves feedback and critiquing…

But since it's going to be done. And proof. A possible way to do Gaunt's Ghosts - the Tanith First and Only:

Imperial World - 1 Point - This is the weirdest one to choose. Admittedly. If we did another type of world, then we couldn't make the rest work.
Maverick Commander (Gaunt) - 2 Points
Light Infantry - 2 Points
Sharpshooters - 4 Points
Chameoline - 3 Points

This in turn gives them the following boons:

Attributes: +3 Ag, -3 Toughness, +3 WP, +3 BS (My 'choose your attrib from Imperial World. The First and Only are good shots!)
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill
Skills: Navigate (surface), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic)
Talent: Sprint, Resistance (Fear), Hatred (Mutant)

Blessed Ignorance - -5 to Forbidden Lore tests
Regimental Standard Kit: Chameolonine Cloaks, Lascarbine, 4 Ammo Packs, Flak Jacket, flak helment, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 smoke Grenades, plus standard reg kit for IG (All per PC) --

As a note, you also get 30 points to upgrade or buy things for the standard Kit. I didn't do this because I forgot exactly what they were all armed with. It's been a few years.

I could see a justification for replacing the High Gothic Linguistics with something else. Also, I'd strongly consider swapping Hatred (Mutant) for Hatred (Chaos) for what I'd think are rather obvious reasons!

I'm posting the regiments I created for the 100 Regiments for Only War thread.

Silvanius Forest Runners

Much of Silvanius Prime is covered with lush greenery, with the northern continent dominated by huge, building sized trees that can reach hundreds of feet into the air. The vegetation also grows quickly, meaning the population of the planet is constantly engaged in a battle with the forest which encroaches on civilization from all sides. Unsurprisingly, lumber and woodworking are the primary export of the planet.

The guardsmen tithed from Silvanius Prime are men and women who've grown up among the trees of their homeworld, learning to hunt, trap and cut trees from a young age. They are at home in the forest, able to blend in among the foliage and strike from unexpected angles. They are the undisputed masters of their terrain. The Forest Runners also make effective use of light Sentinel Walkers, often modifying out the standard weapons for a vehicle mounted heavy buzzsaw, and a highly toxic defoliant sprayer.

Silvanius Forest Runners Regiment Rules

Characters belonging to the Silvanius 142nd Forest Runners Regiment gain the following advantages:
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Ballistic Skill, -3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Willpower
Starting Aptitudes: Agility
Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic), Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Foresight, Hatred (Mutant), Resistance (Fear)
Blessed Ignorance: Silvanians know the proper ways of living are those tried and tested by the generations that have gone before. Horror, pain, and death are the just reward of curiosity, for those that look too deeply into the mysteries of the universe are all too likely to find malefic beings looking back at them. Their wise blindness imposes a -5 penalty to all Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.
Fieldcraft (Forest): Silvanians have grown up in the verdant green of their home planet, and are as comfortable among the trees as other Imperial citizens are in their homes. When operating in Forest terrain, failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests may be re-rolled.
Wounds: Characters from this regiment generate starting Wounds normally.
Standard Regimental Kit: Good Lascarbine (Main Weapon) with 2 charge packs, Knife, Flak Vest and Flak Helmet, Rucksack, Uniform, Poor Weather Gear, Basic Toolkit, Mess Kit, Water Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Rechargeable Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Dog Tags, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, 2 Weeks Combat Rations, Grapnel, Stummer, One Sentinel Walker per Squad.
Favoured Weapons: Long-las, flamer.

I'm posting the regiments I created for the 100 Regiments for Only War thread.

Braelinian Rifle Regiment

Braelin III is a highly civilized and vital trade world in the Ultima Segmentum, ruled by hundreds of ancient dynasties, petty nobles and landed gents. Sometime, hundreds of years ago, many of these families discovered that an effective way to get rid of unwanted sons and daughters was to tithe them to the Imperial Guard… and a tradition was born. To this day, all guardsmen tithed from Braelin III are unwanted, petty nobility.

The fighting men and women of the Braelinian Riflers (and the two genders are strictly segregated amongst regimental lines) are haughty, pompous - but also tough and well-trained. They are dedicated men and women who feel the need to lead by example in all things - whether it be skill at arms, acting like a gentleman (or gentlewoman), or how to wear a uniform. Indeed, even their standard uniforms are brightly coloured and regal, and their regiments are often likened to peacocks strutting across the battlefield.

Braelinian Rifle Regiment Rules

Characters belonging to the Braelinian 14th Rifle Regiment gain the following advantages:
Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +3 Fellowship
Starting Aptitudes: Willpower
Starting Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (Administratum), Inquiry, Linguistics (High Gothic)
Starting Talents: Die Hard, Rapid Reload, Combat Formation or Double Team, Air of Authority or Peer (Nobility)
Duty and Honour: Braelinians hold themselves to standards of behaviour and etiquette, their upbringing distinguishing them from the low-born troopers that make up the common bulk of the Imperial Guard. Braelinian characters suffer a -10 penalty on all Charm, Inquiry, and Deceive Tests made to interact with characters who aren't highborn. However, they get a +10 bonus on all those same Skill Tests when dealing with the nobility and other high authority in formal situations.
Wounds: Characters from this regiment reduce their starting Wounds by 1.
Standard Regimental Kit: Best M36 Lasgun (Main Weapon) with bayonet attachment and 4 charge packs, Knife, Imperial Guard Flak Armour, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades, Uniform, Dress Uniform, Rucksack, Basic Toolkit, Mess Kit, Water Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Rechargeable Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Dog Tags, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, Respirator, Pict Recorder
Favoured Weapons: Missile launcher, lascannon

Dafolt 101st Infantry

Characteristics: +3 Strength, +3 Toughness, -3 Intellgence, +3 Willpower

Starting Apititude: Willpower

Starting Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperium, War) Linguisitics (High Gothic)

Starting Talents: Combat Formation or Double Team, Hatred (Mutants), Rapid Reload

Traits: Blessed Ignorance

Wounds: Standard

Standard Kit: Two field uniforms, One dress uniform, Poor weather gear, One M36 lasgun w. 4 charge packs, One autopistol w. 2 clips, Imperial Guard flak armor, Four Frag grenages, Two Krak Grenades, One Knife, One rucksack, One basic tool set, One mess kit, One canteen, One blanket and sleep bag, One rechargeable lamp pack, One set of cognomen tags, One chrono, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer (Dafolt edition), Four weeks combat rations

Imperial World (1), Phlegmatic (1), Line Infantry (2), Close Order Drill (2), Iron Dicipline (3)

Dulahan said:

Copied from a writeup I did elsewhere, and not written up the same way due to thinking it deserves feedback and critiquing…

But since it's going to be done. And proof. A possible way to do Gaunt's Ghosts - the Tanith First and Only:

Imperial World - 1 Point - This is the weirdest one to choose. Admittedly. If we did another type of world, then we couldn't make the rest work.
Maverick Commander (Gaunt) - 2 Points
Light Infantry - 2 Points
Sharpshooters - 4 Points
Chameoline - 3 Points

This in turn gives them the following boons:

Attributes: +3 Ag, -3 Toughness, +3 WP, +3 BS (My 'choose your attrib from Imperial World. The First and Only are good shots!)
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill
Skills: Navigate (surface), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic)
Talent: Sprint, Resistance (Fear), Hatred (Mutant)

Blessed Ignorance - -5 to Forbidden Lore tests
Regimental Standard Kit: Chameolonine Cloaks, Lascarbine, 4 Ammo Packs, Flak Jacket, flak helment, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 smoke Grenades, plus standard reg kit for IG (All per PC) --

As a note, you also get 30 points to upgrade or buy things for the standard Kit. I didn't do this because I forgot exactly what they were all armed with. It's been a few years.

I could see a justification for replacing the High Gothic Linguistics with something else. Also, I'd strongly consider swapping Hatred (Mutant) for Hatred (Chaos) for what I'd think are rather obvious reasons!

You should include the 30 points of Kit upgrade, as that becomes part of the "standard regimental kit". I would also recommend spending to upgrade the lascarbine to a lasgun, since the Tanith First and Only use Lasguns standard. Favored weapons might be Autocannon and Flamer; seemed the most common mentioned in the novels, with missile launcher (treadfe[a]ther?) as an alternative if not the autocannon.

Otherwise, not a bad work up.

Brother Praetus said:

You should include the 30 points of Kit upgrade, as that becomes part of the "standard regimental kit". I would also recommend spending to upgrade the lascarbine to a lasgun, since the Tanith First and Only use Lasguns standard. Favored weapons might be Autocannon and Flamer; seemed the most common mentioned in the novels, with missile launcher (treadfe[a]ther?) as an alternative if not the autocannon.

Otherwise, not a bad work up.

I would argue that the Tanith absolutely need Fieldcraft instead of Sharpshooters, but otherwise that's how I did them. (Yeah, they were one of the first I did too).

Brother Praetus said:

You should include the 30 points of Kit upgrade, as that becomes part of the "standard regimental kit". I would also recommend spending to upgrade the lascarbine to a lasgun, since the Tanith First and Only use Lasguns standard. Favored weapons might be Autocannon and Flamer; seemed the most common mentioned in the novels, with missile launcher (treadfe[a]ther?) as an alternative if not the autocannon.

Otherwise, not a bad work up.

As I said, I didn't do their kit proper because it's been a while since I read the books and I didn't remember what things they had in their kit. :) So I just made note I hadn't done those points.

LuciusT said:

I would argue that the Tanith absolutely need Fieldcraft instead of Sharpshooters, but otherwise that's how I did them. (Yeah, they were one of the first I did too).

I waffled on that too. But always figured they were pretty darn good shots!

Dulahan said:

Copied from a writeup I did elsewhere, and not written up the same way due to thinking it deserves feedback and critiquing…

But since it's going to be done. And proof. A possible way to do Gaunt's Ghosts - the Tanith First and Only:

Imperial World - 1 Point - This is the weirdest one to choose. Admittedly. If we did another type of world, then we couldn't make the rest work.
Maverick Commander (Gaunt) - 2 Points
Light Infantry - 2 Points
Sharpshooters - 4 Points
Chameoline - 3 Points

This in turn gives them the following boons:

Attributes: +3 Ag, -3 Toughness, +3 WP, +3 BS (My 'choose your attrib from Imperial World. The First and Only are good shots!)
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill
Skills: Navigate (surface), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic)
Talent: Sprint, Resistance (Fear), Hatred (Mutant)

Blessed Ignorance - -5 to Forbidden Lore tests
Regimental Standard Kit: Chameolonine Cloaks, Lascarbine, 4 Ammo Packs, Flak Jacket, flak helment, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 smoke Grenades, plus standard reg kit for IG (All per PC) --

As a note, you also get 30 points to upgrade or buy things for the standard Kit. I didn't do this because I forgot exactly what they were all armed with. It's been a few years.

I could see a justification for replacing the High Gothic Linguistics with something else. Also, I'd strongly consider swapping Hatred (Mutant) for Hatred (Chaos) for what I'd think are rather obvious reasons!

I was about to do the same, unfortunatly there's no part in the rules to simulate negative elements in the regimental background (Tanith destruction), unless it's penal regiment, which is major drawbacks in my eyes.

As for the kit I think that the two main modification to the standard pack are:

  • add the Mono upgrade to the knife (going by the book the Straight Silver is that good), evetually swap the base knife for a Combat Knife (from Inquisitor Handbook)
  • add the Home Material upgrade to the Lascarabine, all the Tanith Lascarabines have Nalwood stocks, one of the few remaining mementos of their homeworld

I'll try to put together another version of the first later, since I'm planning to use thme for a demo game next month.

9th Scarovian Rifles

Scarovar, an unusually calm Imperial world tithes it's professional volunteer regiments to the Imperial Guard. Part of these are the Light Infantry 'Rifle' Regiments. Performing advance roles for their heavy infantry brothers and lumbering armoured regiments, the Rifle regiments are adept at navigating terrain. The strangest part of the Rifle Regiments is their main choice of weapon. They eschew the typical Lasgun of the Imperial Guard and elect to arm their soldier with a 'Lasrifle'. This is las weapon that is typically just shorter than a Longlas and without the high-grade optics typically found attached. Their training is designed to take advantage of their more powerful, if slightly less wieldy weapon and they are drilled relentlessly to be the best shots they can.

Characters belonging to the 9th Scarovian Rifles Regiment gain the following advantages:
Characteristic Modifiers : +3 Ballistic Skill, -3 Toughness, +3 Agility, +3 Willpower
Starting Aptitudes: Agility, Ballistic Skill
Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic), Navigate(Surface)
Starting Talents: Hatred (Mutant), Sprint, Deadeye Shot
Blessed Ignorance: Scarovians know the proper ways of living are those tried and tested by the generations that have gone before. Horror, pain, and death are the just reward of curiosity, for those that look too deeply into the mysteries of the universe are all too likely to find malefic beings looking back at them. Their wise blindness imposes a -5 penalty to all Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.
Fieldcraft (Forest): Scarovians have grown up in the verdant green of their home planet, and are as comfortable among the trees as other Imperial citizens are in their homes. When operating in Forest terrain, failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests may be re-rolled.
Wounds: Characters from this regiment generate starting Wounds normally.
Standard Regimenta l Kit: Lasrifle [A longlas] (Main Weapon) with 4 charge packs, Lascarbine, Laspistol with 2 charge packs, Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, 3 Smoke Grenades, Flak Jacket and Flak Helmet, Rucksack, Uniform, Poor Weather Gear, Basic Toolkit, Mess Kit, Water Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Rechargeable Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Dog Tags, Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, 2 Weeks Combat Rations, One Auspex per squad.
Favoured Weapons: Missile Launcher, Grenade Launcher


9th Scarovian Rifles

Imperial World (1)
+3 WP, +3 to any one
CL (Imperial Creed) CL (Imperium) Linguistics (HG)
-5 on FL (any) tests
Hatred (Mutants)

Commander: Phlegmatic (1)
CL (Imperial Guard) CL (War)

Regt Type: Light Infantry (2)
+3 AG, -3 T
Navigate (Surface)
x1 Lascarbine & x4 Charge Packs, Flak Jacket & Helmet, x2 frag, x2 smoke

Doctrines: Fieldcraft (4)
Aptitude (Agility)
Special Terrain (Forested), reroll failed survival & Navigate (Surface) checks

Doctrines: Sharpshooters (4)
Aptitude (BS)
Deadeye Shot


Additional Weapon (Longlas) [designed to replace lascarbine] (10)

A single Auspex per squad (10)

Laspistol & 2 Charge Packs as sidearm (5)

Additional Smoke Grenade (5)

Regt Favoured Support Weapons: Missile Launcher & Grenade Launcher

I decided to try into a more 'on the cheap' Merc outfit. I have no name for them for the moment. I've made this one quckly without msessing about the details (as I'd figure they'd be a mix if Imperial/Penal Worlds to show off the fact they're just mercs instead of Guardsmen)

Generic Mercenary Group

Imperial World 1
Maverick 2
Line Infantry 2
Hardened Fighters 2
Iron Discipline 3
Close Order Drill 2

Characteristic Modi?ers: +3 to Willpower and +3 Perception, +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence, +2 Weapon Skill

Starting Aptitudes: Willpower

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic), Athletics,

Starting Talents: Blessed Ignorance (–5 penalty on all Forbidden Lore (Int) Tests.), Hatred (Mutant), Resistance (Fear), Rapid Reload, Combat Formation or Double Team, Street Fighting

Wounds: Characters from this regiment generate starting Wounds normally.

Favoured Weapons: Missile Launcher, Flamer

Standard Regimental Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard ?ak armour, two frag grenades and two krak grenades, one monoknife, One uniform, Poor weather gear, Rucksack. One set of basic tools, One mess kit and one water canteen, One blanket and one sleep bag, One rechargeable lamp pack, One grooming kit, One set of dogtags, Combat sustenance rations, two weeks’ supply, Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer.
Add a Stub Automatic and 2 clips as a sidearm 8
Add a chrono to standard kit 2
Add a photo-visor or set of photo-contacts to standard kit 8
Add a micro-bead to standard kit 8
Add an additional item of Plentiful availability to standard kit (melee attachment) 3
Add an additional item of Ubiquitous availability to standard kit (Space Duct Tape) 1

Vendoland System Militant

Vendoland is an imperial world slightly larger than Terra, having few resources of great worth to the imprium of man. It acts instead as a wholesale trainer and exporter of military knowledge in the system. It recruits from all the nearby feral, feudal and abhuman worlds, gives the men a solid military education based on the tried and tested methods of repetition and sleep deprivation, before sending them off to defend the imperium with there lives at crucial strategic points and on holy crusades. The Vendoland war council have modeled the system militant heavily after the Cadian shock troops, and the majority of their equipment is of Cadian pattern, all locally produced to good quality.

44th Vendoland Guard :

Character Modifiers: +3 Perception +3 Strength (Deathworld), + 3 Strength, -3 Intelligence (Line Inf)
Starting Aptitudes: Agility (Feildcraft)
Starting Skills: Survival (Deathworld), Common lore (imperial guard, war) (Phlegmatic), Athletics (Line inf) Survival +10, Navigate (Surface, Jungle){I think this is what feildcraft means;)
Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes (Deathworld), Rapid Reload (Line Inf)
Wary of outsiders: -10 to interactions (Deathworld)
Starting Wounds : +2 wounds (Deathworld)
Favoured Weapons: Heavy bolter, Flamer
Standard Regimental Kit:
One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character (Line Inf). Injector five doses of stimm (Combat drugs) per player.

• One uniform
• Poor weather gear
• One Knife
• Rucksack or sling bag
• One set of basic tools
• One mess kit and one water canteen
• One blanket and one sleep bag
• One rechargeable lamp pack
• One grooming kit
• One set of cognomen tags or equivalent identification
• One primer or instructional handbook
• Combat sustenance rations, two weeks' supply

Additional Equipment: 30pts
Add an additional item of Scarce availability to standard kit (Hot-Shot Charge Pack Scarce) 10
Add an additional item of Common availability to standard kit (Extra Grip xl/3 Common) 5
Add an additional item of Plentiful availability to standard kit (Melee Attachment + 2kg Plentiful) 3
Add respirator or gas mask to standard kit 8
Add the Munitorum Manual to standard kit 3pts
Mud-tape 1pt

A bunch of Deathworlders that can track you across any terrain, and when they fight you, they only get TOUGHER coz of the stimms. What could be more scary? You know you want to join the 44th Vendoland. They dont slouch when it comes to busting armoured foes either!

I Kinda wanted to make rotgut beer standard issue, as this is the primary reward and discipline that the junior officers use. But this can appear later.

Problems Encountered:

  • Include 9-70 entrenching tool into tools table, its mentioned in siege infantry. But never described anywhere.
  • Feildcraft entry says: When operating in that kind of terrain, failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests may be re-rolled by characters from a regiment with this doctrine. Does that mean we get those skills? Or do we allready have them as standard… Also, i prefer the idea that Tracking is included here somehow.
  • Kreiger description lists gass grenades but does not specify the type. In official lore its poison gass.
  • I recommend including master craftsmanship as an option for some armour and weapons as it appears in DW. This is a classic option for high ranking guard officers and found in codecies 3e & 4e.
  • No ammo amounts specified in ammo table.
  • Munitorium manual doesnt have any explained use. Add Intellegence bonus to requisition test?
  • There arnt enough 1pt options on the additional standard kit items list. Mud-tape should be one. Sewing kit could be another. Leather neck brace (diciplinary device lol) 1pt. 1 extra full clip of bullets 1pt (helps with player specified requisitions but faulters at the heavy stubber).
  • Include melta bombs on additional standard kit items table.
  • Theres almost completely no point in taking 'well provisioned' as a doctrine if it doesnt help with later requisitions. Perhapse +5. I would also be nice if we could chose the type of grenade, considering some regemental types will already have allot of some grenade types.
  • At 8 points its VERY awkward fitting a gass mask into the scheme, especially as most things cost 3 points or 5, 10 15 etc.

Dulahan said:

Copied from a writeup I did elsewhere, and not written up the same way due to thinking it deserves feedback and critiquing…

But since it's going to be done. And proof. A possible way to do Gaunt's Ghosts - the Tanith First and Only:

Imperial World - 1 Point - This is the weirdest one to choose. Admittedly. If we did another type of world, then we couldn't make the rest work.
Maverick Commander (Gaunt) - 2 Points
Light Infantry - 2 Points
Sharpshooters - 4 Points
Chameoline - 3 Points

This in turn gives them the following boons:

Attributes: +3 Ag, -3 Toughness, +3 WP, +3 BS (My 'choose your attrib from Imperial World. The First and Only are good shots!)
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill
Skills: Navigate (surface), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Common Lore (Imperium), Linguistics (High Gothic)
Talent: Sprint, Resistance (Fear), Hatred (Mutant)

Blessed Ignorance - -5 to Forbidden Lore tests
Regimental Standard Kit: Chameolonine Cloaks, Lascarbine, 4 Ammo Packs, Flak Jacket, flak helment, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 smoke Grenades, plus standard reg kit for IG (All per PC) --

As a note, you also get 30 points to upgrade or buy things for the standard Kit. I didn't do this because I forgot exactly what they were all armed with. It's been a few years.

I could see a justification for replacing the High Gothic Linguistics with something else. Also, I'd strongly consider swapping Hatred (Mutant) for Hatred (Chaos) for what I'd think are rather obvious reasons!

I like it. My only inclinations would be:

Commander - Choleric (Rapid Reaction) (Due to Guant always leading from the front and Rapid Reaction seems more the Ghosts' ability to quickly recover as opposed to an immunity to Fear)
Training - Fieldcraft
Favored Weapons - Heavy Flamer, Missile Launcher (tread fether)

AKA: “Steel Spiders”
Source: Scintilla
Founded: 805.M41
Commander: Colonel Tyne
Strength: Full
Morale: Good
Training Doctrine: Iron Discipline
Special Equipment: Demolitions

Standard Regimental Kit: One M36 Lasgun, four charge packs, one suit Imperial Guard flak armor, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, 1 smoke grenade, chrono, preysense goggles, microbead vox.
Characteristics +3 to AG, Fel, Per (any two). +3 agi, -3 Per.
Skills Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, Operate (surface)
Talents Heightened Senses(Hearing), Paranoia, Unremarkable (one of). Die Hard, Rapid Reload.
Traits Accustomed to Crowds, Hivebound, Urban Violence.
Wounds -1
Aptitude Willpower
Logistic Test Modifers +10 to all tests to obtain grenades, missiles, explosives, and special tank ammo.

I went a little nutty and generated an order of battle for them, using ac ouple of the Only War classes. It's based off of one of the Mech Infantry Orders of Battle from Imperial Armour 3. At once super detailed and not, in that it doesn't have all the classes. Posting the link elsewhere as to not hijack this thread, thoughts appreciated! http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp?efid=304&efcid=3&efidt=675383

The Savlar Chem Dogs (text from Lexicanum)

"You can keep that, mate! Won't fetch me more than a few credits on the market anyway. All this death-and-glory crap isn't really my business. I'm in it for the loot."
-Sergeant Joto of the XXII Savlar upon receiving a medal for bravery after the bloodbath at Trenia

A Savlar Chem-Dog Trooper Recruitment & Training
The Chem-Dogs were conscripted into the Imperial Guard en mass in order to meet the Imperium's desperate need for troops during the Third War for Armageddon. Originally founded by Judge Callistar to put down an armed uprising on their homeworld, he realised the Chem-Dogs could be made into an effective fighting force with the right motivation. Therefore the Chem-Dogs were given the following directives: they could keep any war loot they took off the enemy, but if they broke the law they would be sent back to Savlar.

Battle Style
Savlar Chem-Dogs excel in fighting in the cramped, noxious battlefields, such as those found in Armageddon's Underhives. They are also notorious thieves, scavengers, anarchists and worst, stopping to strip the dead of their valuables in the midst of battle, while many inhale a type of altered gas which puts them into a hyperagressive state. For this reason Chem-Dog regiments include Commissars to watch over them. Chem-Dog regiments also make use of Ogryns and Rough Riders, the latter riding into battle on ungainly beasts native to Savlar and sometimes forming their own regiments of Chem-Riders.

Much of the Chem-Dogs' equipment is more often than not stolen from other Imperial Guard regiments, and many troopers will often carry non-standard gear into battle, ranging from improvised armour and stolen vox-equipment to archeotech. The standard Savlar-pattern rebreather is a bulky and awkward device with a four-tube canister and filter mask, though many on Armageddon were able to "acquire" the superior Armageddon-pattern, and most are frequently modified to include nitro-chem inhalers for the intake of dangerous hyperagressive chemicals.

Vehicles used by the Chem-Dogs include Sentinels, Hellhounds, and Leman Russ Battle Tanks, including the Demolisher, Vanquisher and Exterminator variants. For artillery the Chem-Dogs make use of Griffons and Basilisks, and prefer Flamers and Heavy Bolters.

Characteristic : Agi+3 TG +3 Str +3 Int -3
Skills : Intimidate, Athletics
Talents : Peer(Underworld) or Pity the Weak or Street Fighting, Rapid Reaction, Rapid Reload, Honour Among Thieves (Talents), Larcenous (+10 Logistic Test for illegal or contraband items), Scum and Villainy (15 points standard Regimental Kit)
Commanding Officer : Choleric

Starting Wounds : +1

Scavengers : +10 Logistic Tests (doubles are NOT good)
Combat Drugs: (Frenzon)
Line Infantry (Stats, Athletics, Rapid Reload)

Standard Kit:
One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player (Main Weapon)
Suit of Imperial Guard flak Armour
2 Frag grenades
2 krak grenades
One Uniform
Poor Weather Gear
One Knife
One set of basic tools
ONe mes kit and one wter canteen
One blanket and one sleep bag
One rechargeable lamp pack
One grooming kit
One set of cognomen tags equivalent identification
One primer or instructional handbook
Combat sustenance rations, two weeks' supply
Rebreather (10)
Inhaler +3 doses frenzon
Additional Knife (2)
Survival Suit (3)

Favorite Weapon: Flamer and Heavy Bolter

(for other chem dogs units you can switch Line Infantry with Hunter-Killer. This changes the following:

Characteristic : Agi+3 TG +3 BAL +3, STR-3
Skills : Intimidate, Operate (Surface)
Talents : Peer(Underworld) or Pity the Weak or Street Fighting, Rapid Reaction, Rapid Reload, Resistance (Fear), Honour Among Thieves (Talents), Larcenous (+10 Logistic Test for illegal or contraband items), Scum and Villainy (15 points standard Regimental Kit)

Adds 1 Hellhound Support Tank pers squad and one laspistol per person MINUS one M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player (Main Weapon), Suit of Imperial Guard flak Armour, 2 Frag grenades and 2 krak grenades

MorganKeyes said:

I like it. My only inclinations would be:

Commander - Choleric (Rapid Reaction) (Due to Guant always leading from the front and Rapid Reaction seems more the Ghosts' ability to quickly recover as opposed to an immunity to Fear)
Training - Fieldcraft
Favored Weapons - Heavy Flamer, Missile Launcher (tread fether)

I can see it going either Maverick or Choleric rather easily. The Writeup of "Maverick" fits how Gaunt is viewed by everyone in the upper Echelons. I think there was one other (Sanguine maybe?) that I also considered.

Good call on the favored weapons!

MorganKeyes said:

I like it. My only inclinations would be:

Commander - Choleric (Rapid Reaction) (Due to Guant always leading from the front and Rapid Reaction seems more the Ghosts' ability to quickly recover as opposed to an immunity to Fear)
Training - Fieldcraft
Favored Weapons - Heavy Flamer, Missile Launcher (tread fether)

Good points. My only doubt is about the heavy weapon of choice, the Ghosts seem to use Tread Fethers only when tanks are a major factor, the rest of the time they stick to Autocannons and Heavy Stubbers.

Woodclaw said:

MorganKeyes said:

I like it. My only inclinations would be:

Commander - Choleric (Rapid Reaction) (Due to Guant always leading from the front and Rapid Reaction seems more the Ghosts' ability to quickly recover as opposed to an immunity to Fear)
Training - Fieldcraft
Favored Weapons - Heavy Flamer, Missile Launcher (tread fether)

Good points. My only doubt is about the heavy weapon of choice, the Ghosts seem to use Tread Fethers only when tanks are a major factor, the rest of the time they stick to Autocannons and Heavy Stubbers.

True, it was a judgement call. If I could get away with it I would have allowed them three choices which included Heavy Stubbers,…and then state they have a penalty to get other heavy weapons (plasma, lascannon, etc). But they do seem to have ready access to launchers when needed to deal with armor. And the missile launchers do appear to serve the Ghosts as their "portable assault gun".