Recommended Army Point Cost

By JoelVonHelvete, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I am a very new player and I am a bit confused about what a "tournament" size army would be. I understand that it is up to the TO but I would like to know some better info so I can plan my purchases accordingly. I noticed some regionals using a 200 point limit but GenCon 2011 was 250 points, I believe. Additionally, some TO's allow a 50 point sideboard, how does a sideboard come into play? I wish this info was on the official tournament rules on the support page but they are not there. Some guidance from some vets would be great.

Gencon 11' was 160 with a 90 side board, I feel that anywhere from 200-300 points makes for a good competetive tourney.

How do sideboards work? I can't find any info on the support page about them.

So for instance the tournament is 300 points, 250 with a 50 point side board. for each scenario you may only field 250 point but you have a pool of 300 point to select the 250 from. This allows you to switch up your army a bit in mid tournament but not field a totaly different army from round to round.

I used to play 300 points games which gives you decent armies with loads of options including Heavy Walkers.

Thanks for the responses guys. I read somewhere that someone who is in the know with Fantasy Flight is claiming the point allowance at World's will be 300. If that turns out to be true you may only be allowed to use around 190 to 200 points per game. I guess time will tell.