Only One Life to Give

By Braddoc, in Game Mechanics

"So driven to martyrdom are the
penitent, that it can drive them to take unnecessary risks,
lamenting that they can only sacri?ce themselves once.
Penitent characters must pass an Ordinary (+10) Willpower
Test in order to retreat from combat or otherwise act in the
interests of self-preservation."

Odd line of text in Bold text

This seems to contradict itself (Penitent Regiments): All about dying for the Emperor, but is all about running away when the situation seems to lack the panache of the glorious death they seek. I would make the test at -10 or even -20, rather than making it easier to not die in His Service.

Geez, no, just no.

"Only One Life to Give" could use a higher bonus maybe.

If you want to run away, chances are you're trying to avoid PK or a fate burn.

Braddoc said:

"So driven to martyrdom are the
penitent, that it can drive them to take unnecessary risks,
lamenting that they can only sacri?ce themselves once.
Penitent characters must pass an Ordinary (+10) Willpower
Test in order to retreat from combat or otherwise act in the
interests of self-preservation."

Odd line of text in Bold text

This seems to contradict itself (Penitent Regiments): All about dying for the Emperor, but is all about running away when the situation seems to lack the panache of the glorious death they seek. I would make the test at -10 or even -20, rather than making it easier to not die in His Service.

Given that the average starting Willpower of an Imperial Guardsman is only 31, imposing a penalty seemed too harsh and basically forced a group to sit there and face untenable situations without any chance of avoiding them. A bonus improves their chances, but even a fairly strong-willed starting character is only passing that test half the time.

Remember, anyone else, from a different homeworld, can freely act in the interests of self-preservation (which isn't just running away - it also includes things like hiding until the threat goes away, or taking a different route towards an enemy base because your first choice is too well-guarded and filled with snipers - basically any situation where you're choosing to avoid danger) without requiring a willpower test, so any required test, even with a bonus, is still a restriction.

That seems like a very harsh penalty that could result in PK or fate burning, though.

I guess Commissars/Sergeants are supposed to keep them in line somehow?

All I can see now is Commisars demanding a retreat and shooting brave fools for advancing rather than waiting for support.

Valadrim said:

All I can see now is Commisars demanding a retreat and shooting brave fools for advancing rather than waiting for support.

Isn't that what Krieg Commissars do canonically?

What really gets me (though not in a bad way) is how this makes Kriegers and Maccabians play- as gung-ho asskickers rushinh into danger and going full-on Rambo, because if you're going to be burning FPs, then by the God-Emperor you're going to do something awesome to get them back!