Ramshackle Vehicle Trait – Page 154
This line presents a problem if taken as Rules as Written:
“Vehicles with the Ramshackle Vehicle Trait are always treated as Lightly Damaged unless they have taken Critical Damage.”
Read literally that would mean that even undamaged vehicles with the Ramshackle Vehicle Trait are treated as Lightly Damaged. That was
my intent when I wrote that rule!!! I would replace the line with:
“Damaged vehicles with this Vehicle Trait are always treated as Lightly Damaged as long as they have Structural Integrity remaining.”
Sorry. My bad.
Chapter VI: Armoury
On the issue of the tank weapons (battle cannon et al), the tabletop fluff for these weapons makes it very clear that they are higher caliber autocannons, so having multiple shot magazines actually fits for them. That said, it would be nice for the vehicle stat-blocks to list how many magazines they carry per weapon system. Additionally, wouldn't vehicle-mounted las-weapons- such as the Chimera's multi-laser or the Leman Russ's hull-mounted lascannon- run their charge directly from the vehicle's power plant rather than relying on proprietary power sources? Perhaps a recharge mechanic or giving these weapons functionally limitless ammunition- with a reload time to allow for recharging capacitors- would be appropriate. Sponson-mounted weapons on the Leman Russ and the Baneblade should probably have a facing of Front.
As to Table 6-2, a (presumably temporary) ceasefire would be the easiest time to acquire new gear. During active combat, it's hard to get to a supply depot- as reflected by the rules. When the force is dominating, resources might be redirected to other fronts. I would, however, suggest reversing the listings for Near Victorious and Dominant; either the entries in total or their listed bonuses.
Gaire said:
On the issue of the tank weapons (battle cannon et al), the tabletop fluff for these weapons makes it very clear that they are higher caliber autocannons, so having multiple shot magazines actually fits for them.
I'm happy to accept that it fires larger autocannon style shells and I am happy to accept that the fluff supports that. However, I find the concept of shells that large being used in a magazine inside a tank utterly ridiculous. Look at the turret, the magazine simply wouldn't fit, not two rounds let alone twelve!
Besides, internal diagrams show the shells being stored individually.
No description or mention of Purity Seals outside of Regiment Creation.
Gaire said:
I reckon it would help if I actually read the entry on Sponson weapons. Herpaderp.
Yeah… if they were forward facing they'd have 180 degree fire arcs to the
, rather than to the side. That wouldn't work.
There is no availability for Power Maul (low)
- Erik
Obetor said:
There is no availability for Power Maul (low)
- Erik
That would be because there's only one Power Maul weapon, it just has a high and a low power setting. It's Very Rare, as listed by the Power Maul (High) entry.
Regarding Vehicles, it may be advantageous to have pictures of each vehicle next to their entry so as to make plain where certain weapons are. Such as the Baneblade Lascannons. It would mean you don't have to describe with text where the weapons are as the player can simply look at the vehicle.
Removed post.
In lieu of a diagram, that seems entirely reasonable!
Obviously, I'm not sure what H.B.M.C. pulled down, but I'd be willing to bet such images will appear in the final product. AFAIK, the Beta doesn't have a lot of the images that the Core Rulebook will contain.
Page 135
Awareness Tests to hear shots made with a silenced weapon suffer an additional –20 penalty and can only be attempted at half the normal distance.
Upgrades: Stub revolver, stub automatic, hand cannon, autogun, needle pistol, and needle rifle.
err, autogun and hand cannon, but no autopistol?
Surely you jest. Or it is missing from the list.
There is no reasonable explanation for why the submachine gun can't be silenced, but dirty harry and an assault rifle can be.
Danayel said:
Page 135
Awareness Tests to hear shots made with a silenced weapon suffer an additional –20 penalty and can only be attempted at half the normal distance.
Upgrades: Stub revolver, stub automatic, hand cannon, autogun, needle pistol, and needle rifle.
err, autogun and hand cannon, but no autopistol?
Surely you jest. Or it is missing from the list.
There is no reasonable explanation for why the submachine gun can't be silenced, but dirty harry and an assault rifle can be.
Silencers also do not typically function well on revolvers in the real world, due to the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. More modern designs do alleviate that somewhat, but silencers on revolvers should probably be a no-no, while autopistols should have the option. I also wish they would refer to the damned things as suppressors, as that's what they actually are and what they do.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Brother Praetus said:
I also wish they would refer to the damned things as suppressors, as that's what they actually are and what they do.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Beware brother! That is a slippery slope, down the side of Mount Accuracy and into the jaws of The Valley of Pedants!
I share your dislike for that nonsense and was going to post about revolvers vs auto-loaders in relation to suppressors but lost the will to live mid-post.
Durandal7 said:
Brother Praetus said:
I also wish they would refer to the damned things as suppressors, as that's what they actually are and what they do.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Beware brother! That is a slippery slope, down the side of Mount Accuracy and into the jaws of The Valley of Pedants!
I share your dislike for that nonsense and was going to post about revolvers vs auto-loaders in relation to suppressors but lost the will to live mid-post.
Page 151, Column 2, Section Manoeuvrability, Lines 5-7, details that the Manoeuvrability modifier affects the Pilot and Drive skills. They have both since been replaced by the Operate and its specialties.
These come more form the Regiment chapter, but relate to the armoury chapter:
Purity seals: Maccabian Janissaries get them, and a penitent regiment can buy them for standard kit at 8 points (as valuable as a photo-visor/photo-contacts). They are not listed in the armoury.
Chrono: I know its just a watch, but there is no entry saying that it tells time (once again, it can be purchased for 3 points as standard kit).
Rations: I know, just nit-picking at this point, but how much does this stuff weigh? Does it contain a heating unit? When did Corpse Starch become Combat Sustenance?
The Grooming Kit/Mess kit: What does it contain? How much does it weigh?
Photon Flash Grenade/Round
Page 130
Photon flash explosives detonate like a small star. Anyone
within 15 metres of a photon flash grenade when it detonates
must succeed on a Ordinary (+10)
Agility Test
or be blinded
for a number of Rounds equal to their Degrees of Failure.
I think agility should be a toughness test. Also it either has a blast of 10 or 12 and not 15.
Santiago said:
Photon Flash Grenade/Round
Page 130
Photon flash explosives detonate like a small star. Anyone
within 15 metres of a photon flash grenade when it detonates
must succeed on a Ordinary (+10)
Agility Test
or be blinded
for a number of Rounds equal to their Degrees of Failure.
I think agility should be a toughness test. Also it either has a blast of 10 or 12 and not 15.
I agree with toughness versus agility . The reference to Blast (x) on the table should be removed. All previous books indicate special for the damage and do not list a blast quality. The description in the other sources are the same at 15 meters, with the exception of Rogue Trader , which fails to mention the area of effect at all. Though, reducing the area some might be prudent.
-=Brother Praetus=-
Not sure if this belongs on Proofreading or not, but the Hunting Lance seems absurdly underpowered for a single-use weapon that is supposed to be able to kill tanks. The stats listed now look more like what I would expect for a simple lance being used from horseback, not a shaped charge going off against a tank.
"Chameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the coloration of the wearer into their surroundings A character wearing a chameleoline cloak gains a + 20 bonus to Concealment Tests. If the wearer remains stationary, any Ballistic Skill Tests to target him suffer a - 30 penalty."
Concealment doesn't exist. It's Stealth.
Table 6-13: Weapon Upgrades on page 134 lists the rarity for the Photo Sight and the Preysense Sight as both being Very Rare. It doesn't make sense to have them at the same rarity level, as the Preysense Sight provides the same benefits as the Photo Sight while including an additional bonus when fighting in the dark.
Gaire said:
Not sure if this belongs on Proofreading or not, but the Hunting Lance seems absurdly underpowered for a single-use weapon that is supposed to be able to kill tanks. The stats listed now look more like what I would expect for a simple lance being used from horseback, not a shaped charge going off against a tank.
However, the rules do not say it is single use, so with the rules as they are you could keep using it even after the first attack unlike in the table top. If they were to make it single use they ought to drop it from Scares to at least Common, like a Frag. When you consider that whole regiments in the lore are mounted as Rough Riders it shouldn't be that rare unless it is changed in this game to be reusable.