Chapter II: Regiment Creation

By ffgMark, in Proofreading Changes

Please submit your proofreading suggestions for this chapter here.

Laspistols really, really shouldn't be in the universal kit. EDIT: Actually, it's also in Additional Equipment. So which is it?

Some regiments have Stub Autos as standard issues. But sidearms tend to be limited to officers.

Frankie said:

Laspistols really, really shouldn't be in the universal kit. EDIT: Actually, it's also in Additional Equipment. So which is it?

Some regiments have Stub Autos as standard issues. But sidearms tend to be limited to officers.

This is deliberate - every regiment gets a laspistol as a Main Weapon (otherwise the vehicle regiments wouldn't have any personal weaponry). Some regiment types (mainly the infantry ones) replace that with a Lasgun or Lascarbine, but have the option when defining the rest of their standard issue of adding a pistol sidearm from the big table of additional standard issue items.

On page 28, when listing benefits for the Penal Colony origin, under the Honour Amongst Thieves listing, it offers the choice between Peer (Underworld), Pity the Weak, and Street Fighting. However, Pity the Weak doesn't seem to exist.

In addition, the wording on the Hardened Fighters doctrine on page 32 is confusing, at least to me. It says you are able to replace your regiment's standard melee weapon with a Primary Weapon, but what is a Primary Weapon? This term appears no where else.

Primary is Primitive… which seems to be "Low-Tech Weapons" now.

Pity the Weak is from Black Crusade. It may have a different name in these rules, but I'll have to check over the Talent's section.


Page 20 - DKoK Standard Regimental Kit

They're listed as having 'Gas Grenades'. No such item exists in the Armoury. There are certainly grenades that deploy various types of gas, but no specific "Gas Grenade".


H.B.M.C. said:

Page 20 - DKoK Standard Regimental Kit

They're listed as having 'Gas Grenades'. No such item exists in the Armoury. There are certainly grenades that deploy various types of gas, but no specific "Gas Grenade".


By the looks of it, the Gas Grenades in the Siege Infantry doctrine have been replaced with photon flash grenades, so the same change should be made in the Krieg entry (as the Krieg 616th are a Siege Infantry Regiment)

Page 23 - Mordian Iron Guard

The example doctrine lists a Leman Russ with Smoke Launchers, Searchlight and Track Guards as part of the Standard Regimental Kit. Outside of a brief mention of searchlights on one of the damage tables, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight and Track Guards appear no where in the book.


Page 22, Maccabian Janissaries:

No starting Aptitude

There is also little to no information concerning the Regiment's Favoured Weapons, apart the small paragraph on page 17. They do talk about favoured weapons again in the armoury section, under Weapon customisation on page 136, but see no other information. As it gives a +10 to Logistics to obtain said favoured weapons, so groups would be intrested in taking them.

Am I the only one who keeps running out of points?

Apologies for the double post, but shouldn't the Tauros vehicle be in there for Hunter-Killer or Drop Troop doctrines? The book mentions Elysians as using them, and they make more sense for a fast attack group than a Chimera or Sentinel.

Only so much room in the book for vehicles. I had to hit the 'main' ones.


Braddoc said:

There is also little to no information concerning the Regiment's Favoured Weapons, apart the small paragraph on page 17. They do talk about favoured weapons again in the armoury section, under Weapon customisation on page 136, but see no other information. As it gives a +10 to Logistics to obtain said favoured weapons, so groups would be intrested in taking them.

Just pick a heavy and special weapon. I apologise for not making it clear in the text.

Page 26 - Clarification required (Using Death World as an example) :

Hardened: Death worlders are accustomed to violence, and many death worlds contain a variety of deadly, venomous creatures. They must be continually prepared and wary of danger from a young age if they are to survive, and those instincts do not easily fade. Death worlders may choose to start with one of the following Talents: Light Sleeper, Lightning Reflexes, or Resistance (Poisons).

Must all characters choose one of those three (ie. everyone gets Light Sleeper -OR- Lightning Reflexes -OR- Resistance (Poisons)), or can individual characters choose the one they like independent of everyone else?


Page 28, Penal Legion --> The talent: Pity the Weak.
It is not in the book

On Page 31-32 the Training Doctrine called Fieldcraft is described as giving Starting Aptitude: Agility. Would it not make more since for it to either give Starting Aptitude Fieldcraft since that is an actual Aptitude found on page 65, or at the very least Perception since on page 66 in Table 3-15: Characteristic Aptitudes it is stated that Perception links to Fieldcraft while Agility links to Finesse?

Page 22, Maccabian Janissaries:

No starting Aptitude

My friend has created a regiment using the rules that did not start with any additional Attributes. This is easy to do as not all option give you an Attribute. If you are an Imperial World (1), with a Maverick (2) commander, that is Line Infantry (2), with Favored Foes (3) and Well-Provisioned (3) you’ve got an option from every table without a single additional Aptitude and you've spend 11 of 12 points. Since the sample regiments were created using the same system in the book and we don’t know the options they had taken this is most likely not something “missing,” just no options were taken to give them one.

When I started using the system I noticed that myself

I noticed something strange. Maybe I am just blind and can find it, but all the example Regiments should use the samel rules as creating an own regiment. The Vostroyan Firstborn should be Imperial World, Choleric, Line Infantry, Sharpshooters and Hardend Fighters, if I didn’t overlooked something and there is the problem. They receive Unarmed Warrior, Light Sleeper and Intimidate. But I can not figure out how they should get that talents and skills.

Also the namings of the vehicles do not seem to be uniform in this chapter. The Hunter-Killer Regiment gets a so called Sentinel Walker, but the Reconnaissance Regiment gets a Sentinel Scout Walker. It there a difference I can not find later in the vehicle part, which also carries the name Sentinel Scout Walker? The same for the Chimera Armoured Transport, which is called like that in the Reconnaissance Regiment, but the Mechanised Infantry calls it Chimera IFV.

I ran through Regiment Creation three times now with a group, and it seems like every time we're either over or under by a point.

Seems like maybe there should be a way to spend leftovers.

I actually already sent an e-mail where I mentioned this, but might as well be thorough:

Is there any item in the entire game that is listed as actually being Ubiquitous? I see it in a handful of descriptions, but then the actual gear or weapon or vehicle itself is listed with a different availability.

It just seems a bit pointless to include it in the Additional Standard Kit Items, even for a single point, if there is no such item.

Luther Engelsnot said:

I noticed something strange. Maybe I am just blind and can find it, but all the example Regiments should use the samel rules as creating an own regiment. The Vostroyan Firstborn should be Imperial World, Choleric, Line Infantry, Sharpshooters and Hardend Fighters, if I didn’t overlooked something and there is the problem. They receive Unarmed Warrior, Light Sleeper and Intimidate. But I can not figure out how they should get that talents and skills.

The Example regiments were originally written using the normal regiment creation rules, but subsequent changes in those rules have left them differing in a number of ways. Speaking as the writer of those rules and the accompanying regiments, I'm putting together a pile of feedback and an updated set of example regiment rules to submit directly to FFG (my NDA still applies to parts of this project, so unfortunately I can't put that feedback on the forums for public consumption, as it refers to unreleased material).

Good to know. :) If I find anything more, I will post again in this thread.

pg 33 warrior weapons

says they exchange their main weapon for a low-tech weapon of common or better availability.

Wouldn't it be more clear to say a low-tech weapon of any availability? or is there an intended limit?