popg0estheworld's Axis Army (pic heavy)

By popg0estheworld, in Dust Warfare

Cool stuff bud. Those bots are painted quite well./ I wish I could airbrush like that. And those zombies…oh dear…thats fitting yet very disturbing. Nice freehand on that white shirt of the special character too !!

Great work matey !

Really great work! Very inspiring!

How did you do the labels on the Panzerfausts? Are they transfers or freehand?

Thanks for sharing your work!


Like others have stated, incredibly great work. My favorite is the basing on the walkers, the extras you added to the walkers, and the detail of the camo patterns such as the Battle Grenadiers.

Also, I too am curious how you got the hatch off the walker? I tried taking the hatch off of my Wotan and a knife wouldn't even come close to cutting into it.