Stats for armor 1 troops?

By Panzer soldier, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I know Dust the War Continues web site has allot stats on WWII tanks. Has anyone ever produced stats on regular armor 1 troops?

Yup, haven't used them for a long time now as I have so many Dust units to choose from now, made these a year ago when there was little choice.

PanzerGrenadierslmg.jpg PanzerGrenadiersrifle.jpg

Great!!!! Only point costs to verify…

10pts should be about right, the smg stats probably want changing to be the same as the SSU smg.

how do they lok compared to a reg dust figure?


Here's a phot I took ages ago. They are thinner, no probs, not wearing winter clothes or armour, the weapons are to scale so thinner, but the Tamiya figures fit in pretty well.

Very nice, I have never seen the german soldier figs. Who produces them? Did you do any cards for the Allies?

Cards look great !!! I have tamiya minis but have not had time to assemble in any number as all the Dust stuff has priority.

We have been thinking of doing some scenarios using armor 1 troops. The ideas to use the armor 1 troops as the bad guys and armor 2 or 3 troops as the special forces. Maybe a raid on an Axis lab or something like that.

I have seen the tamiya 1/48 figures before. But I have only painted the crewman that come with the vehicle kits. Nice paint job on those Major Mishap!