Would you guys like a Computer game version of TI?

By HeroTONMA, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I would personally LOVE to play this game online! I never get to play it and it's my favorite game :-(

I think the online success from Days of Wonder would be a great model to follow.

I agree 100% percent! I want this to happen!

Well there's always the VASSAL version. It does require all players to own or have access to a physical copy. Or at least the cards.

I would be interested in both a digital version of Twilight Imperium (aka the board game made into a digital format, that is exactly the same as the board game in every way), and a video game version of Twilight Imperium that isn't like the board game so much as it would be more similar to Imperium Galactica. I would very much love a game along those lines. Where you actualy can micro manage your space and ground battles (or let them play out via computer simulation), you can manage the resources that come from all the planets in your domain. Take part in (video chat style) galactic councils, ect ect. Getting to see TI designer's visions of what each races ships will look like, and the different classes (even new classes) of ships, what they look like, the different types of weapons of war that each race employs… and WAR SUNS blackening out the stars like a black cloud of death come to sweep all away!

I'm a big fan of the idea of "video gamizing" board games. As in, a program that lets you play a board game on computer on a digital table top. I'd like that for solo play as well as for saving me setting up all the components. In general, though, I think the real reason why I like digital board games is because its a way to bring back turn-based gameplay on computers. Everything designed specifically for computers these days is "real-time." Those games are fun too, but I for one am missing the good old days of turn-based games.

I don't really care about the AI being equivalent to a human player, I can still enjoy myself against half-assed AIs, as long as they aren't TOO easy. Online play and local hotseat play would also be welcome, but I'd be sad if there wasn't at least some kind of single player mode.

As for a different game (ie: set in the TI universe but not actually a translation of the board game), well, I wouldn't reject the idea outright, but I'm not exactly tingling about it either.

I for one could live with a Masters of Orion-ish implementation. Or a Homeworld-"spoof".

Fnoffen said:

I for one could live with a Masters of Orion-ish implementation. Or a Homeworld-"spoof".

That would be good enough for me also… if I could only find my Homeworld 2 disc…

guess i'm undecided. I like me a good PC game, dont get me wrong. But the cool thing about TI3 is that its a personal clash with opponants, its standing beside your ally in the face of a terrible onslaut. its getting that crucial AC or Tech as you swoop in for the final blow that rings you in as the next Galactic Power.

Face to face.

If they could develop a simple graphic with either a type-chat or VoiP overlay I would buy it. It would need an PBEM and roundhouse options and have a cool music score. Graphics? sure. Video? probably. Suped-up video sequences? No thank you. I would pay for a meat-and-potato down-and-dirty web-based meeting place to thrash enemies and rally allies before I shell out $50-60 for another "10 out of 10 stars" POS. If I want live action, I will throw in a copy of my favorite 1st person shooter, thank you. I play TI3 to see the realization creep into my opponant's face that I'm gonna stop the snot outta him, and there is little chance he can stop me, to see my opponant's face when I activate the "wrong" system and move a fleet-sized thorn into the middle of his collective paws.

That… I would buy.

I think a computer twilight 3 game would be interesting just based on the sound effects you would get from the AI player.

When the AI is going to backstab you, you would get one song…. and when the AI wants peace from you, you would get another song.

Actions cards would also have their unique sounds. Like, what would the "Direct Hit" sound like?

For politics, I am sure the AI players would be trying to make deals with many players and what the AI is up to would not be too obvious.

For example: Why is the AI offering to leave Mecatal Rex for 3 trade goods. Is it because he wants to play Ancient Artifact or already made a secret deal to leave with another player to leave and he is just trying to get another player to give him more trade goods to do so?

Hey Guys!

Thanks for all your commets about a computer game. I have made a small video that shows how the game could look like.

Check it out here





Nice start, keep up the good work complice

Please keep working on this, I am so happy to see some one working on a digital version of the game. I like that you are working to keep it an actual board game, and not an adapted space fighter game or anything else.

I do hope that Fantasy Flights backs this, funds, or at least is willing to work on Copyrights negotiation for this project. If they are willing to negotiate copyrights without much funding I would suggest a Kickstarter project and I would be more then willing to invest in that Kick starter.

This is a great idea for those that have friends stretch out across a distance that makes it hard for a six to 8 hour game happen on any regular basis. If you can build the Multiplayer to be something that can be played like email/forum based turn rounds as well as Live play, so that friends can login and look at their moves periodically but can also set time to get together and do a internet based live rounds. I am trying to get into Vassal with friend but a singulary built game and fully functional game that I could play against computers or with friends is something I would pay for.

Please keep working and hopefully we can get a community response to help support this.

My second video is up… showing how the first round of the game could be played out.

Follow this link :


Please comment as much as you like



The computerized version of the game looks great so far. I look forward to being able to play its completed version. Hopefully FFG helps you get it out there when it is completed, and doesn't stand in your way. I'd love to play it on my X-Box or PC. I would also love to see someone take Homeworld 2 and re-model the skins in the game to resemble the TI ships (even if it is just a resemblance of the plastic models for now).

HeroTONMA said:

My second video is up… showing how the first round of the game could be played out .

Are you actually programming a playable game here, or just making video mock ups to show what such a game could look like ?

I think there are a number of people here who believe you are in fact working on making this game a reality.

We are!

The videos are there to see what can be done and use as a guide on the layout, GUI and gameplay.

Twilight Imperium is pretty complex when you try to thing of it as a turn based strategy game for the PC. The videos help on realizing the hurdles that has to be overcome for it to work.

When we have something tangable… we contact FFG and hopefully they will endorse the project. It's still done in our spare time, so not too much recourses are spend on it at the moment.


Your videos are impressive. It's not how I'd approach the challenge, but I like what you have done. Keep us posted on progress!!

Best of luck with - both the programming as well as getting FFG on board; the latter bit is quite significant.

My third video is up.. here I explain how space combat and planetary invasions could be done.


Enjoy! and keep posting comments, critique and ideas... it will all help us when we go to FFG with this.



Not bad, combat is very clear and understandable, only one little thing, Sardakk N'orr starts with Hylar V assault laser tec so Cruisers hit on 5 insted of 6 ;)

!!!!.. lol... that is the reason why I wanted to do it a computer game in the first place... I always forget stuff like that. How many times haven't I played through a space battle... and lost... only to realize that I forgot I had a +1 on something or another.

Rest assured... when the game is out... THAT will not happen! :D

Thanks for telling though.

mouse pointer on the movie looks like its programmed and not moved manually...

so when is it coming? any beta release? how about FFG copyrights?


that Video looks amezing

but how wil u implement the option of action cards and racial abilities

there are action cards u can use in mids of a battle so there should be something like a interrupt button

where u then can select options from action cards or other options like racial ablilties u name it

but so far it is very cool

ill be watching this closly

Quick update on progress:

Within the last 2 months, development has ramped up considerably. Parts of the UI you've seen in our videos have already been implemented, and look/feel exactly as we intended. As far as ETA goes, it is safe to say we will have a playable version ready by the end of this year. Whether that is alpha, beta, or full release, well, we will have to wait and see :) .