Jenkintown Regionals Results

By TheProfessor, in CoC Organized Play

OK, so somehow I broke the format on the other topic.

Here are the deck lists from Jenkintown in order of finish:

3 * Negotium Perambulans in Tenebris Neutral, Restricted
1 The Red Gloved Man Neutral
1 Basil Elton Shub
2 Burrowing Beneath Shub
3 Feed Her Young Shub
2 Feeding time Shub
2 Forms of the Ether Shub
3 Glimpse of the Void Shub
3 Harvesting Mi-Go Shub
2 Lavinia Whateley Shub
2 The Stone on the Peak Shub
3 Thunder in the East Shub
2 All are One Yog
3 Curse of the Stone Yog
3 Elder Thing Yog
3 Gathering at the Stones Yog
3 Pawn Broker Yog
3 Speak to the Dead Yog
3 The Journey to the other side Yog
3 The Ritual of Bellephar Yog

3 * Khopesh of the Abyss Cthulhu, Restricted
3 Dreamland Fanatic Cthulhu
3 Deep One Rising Cthulhu
3 Ravager from the Deep Cthulhu
2 The Terror of the Tides Cthulhu
2 Cthulhu, Lord of R'yleh Cthulhu
3 Deep One Assault Cthulhu
3 Called by Azathoth Cthulhu
3 Get it off! Cthulhu
2 Sacrificial Offerings Cthulhu
2 Shocking Transformation Shub
2 Snow Graves Shub
2 Y'Golnac Shub
3 Hungry Dark Young Shub
3 Grasping Cthonian Shub
3 Twilight Cannibal Shub
3 Ghoulish Predator Shub
2 Dirk Sharpe Silver Twilight
3 The Mage Known as Magnus Neutral

3 *Descendent of Eibon Neutral, Restricted
1 Agency Bodyguard Agency
3 Agency Groundskeeper Agency
3 Catastrophic Explosion Agency
2 Elliot Ness' Handcuffs Agency
3 Government Exorcist Agency
2 Local Sheriff Agency
2 Marshall Greene Agency
2 Paul LeMond Agency
3 Repo Man Agency
3 Shotgun Blast Agency
3 Small Price to Pay Agency
3 Special Agent Clarkson Agency
2 Steve Clarney Agency
1 T-Men Agency
3 Torch the Joint Agency
3 Undercover Security Agency
1 Unorthodox Psychologist Agency
3 Dreamlands Fanatic Cthulhu
3 The Mage Known as Magnus Neutral
1 Master of the Myths Silver Twilight

2 * Guardian Pillar Neutral, Restricted
3 Dangerous Inmate Hastur
3 The Seventy Steps Hastur
3 The Cavern of Flame Hastur
3 Artist's Colony Hastur
3 Cold Spring Glen Hastur
3 Apeirophobia Hastur
3 Stygian Eye Hastur
3 Carcosa Hastur
2 Infernal Obsession Hastur
3 Ghoulish Predator Shub
3 Grasping Cthonian Shub
3 Y'Golnac Shub
2 Twilight Cannibal Shub
3 Glimpse of the Void Shub
2 Snow Graves Shub
3 Terrors in the Dark Neutral
2 Beneath the Mire Neutral

1 * Nyarlathotep Neutral, Restricted
2 Eldritch Nexus Neutral
2 Terrors in the Dark Neutral
3 Ageless Mi-Go Shub
2 Altar of the Blessed Shub
2 Burrowing Beneath Shub
2 Examining the Optic Nerve Shub
3 Feed Her Young Shub
2 Harvesting Mi-Go Shub
3 Insect Swarm Shub
2 Inter-dimensional Transporter Shub
2 Mi-Go Caretaker Shub
3 Mi-Go Commander Shub
2 Mi-Go Dreams Shub
3 Mi-Go Guard Shub
2 Mi-Go Observer Shub
3 Mi-Go Scalpel Shub
3 Mi-Go Scout Shub
3 Mi-Go Skull Shub
3 Mi-Go Surgeon Shub
2 Priestess of Bubastis Shub
1 Shocking Transformation Shub
2 Specimen Room Shub
3 Unspeakable Transformation Shub

I copied your post from the other thread:

"Yep. That's the basic idea. Ritual tended to be better because opponents figured out that characters in play were bad. Stone on the Peak keeps self from milling out. Burrowing Beneath is key to eliminate Snow Graves and such."

I guess an opponent running his own recursion tech could fight this a little?

Could be. We didn't see that match-up. Corey had a discard build, but it just wasn't fast enough to beat Kellen's.

I think what occurs to me is that because this type of deck is effective, it needs to be addressed in the meta-game. I'd hate to think that every deck now needs to run Forgotten Shogoth or some recursion or the like. It limits the build choices for the tournament scene.

Thanks for running the tourney Chris, it was a lot of fun!

I ended up playing against Kellen twice, and I have to hand it to him the build was really good. Chris does bring up a good point about the game's meta I think. I was not expecting to play against a deck of this type, so there was literally nothing I could do. I had the Kopesh deck, and without specific cards to counter it, all I could do was draw two cards and end my turn (there were no story phases for the entire game after the third round).

Thinking about it now, I think the best counter would be a Dreamlands Messenger and Voice of the Jungle on his Negotium. Of course, you'd have to get that in play and committed before the engine begins, but it would totally shut down the recursion completely.

Interesting approach, but since it would take 3-5 turns to win Negotium even with Voice of the Jungle, the deck would be ready to shut down everything as soon as Negotium was won, wouldn't it?

And of course there is Burrowing Beneath and Thunder in the East to help clear out Voice of the Jungle…

Oh wait - never mind. Forgot you used Dreamlands Messenger in your solution.

cool. hope you had a good days gaming. shub / yog also won the australian regional. not sure if youd want it here in the jenkintown results forum but id be happy to post the deck list.

THere have been people clamoring for deck lists, so I think it would be good to share. But it might be worth create a new topic "Australian Regional Results" or the like where you can post the various lists?


Thank you for posting the results and deck lists from your regional championship, though I'm curious about some of the other elements too.

For example, with only 5 players how did you run the event and how long did it take? What would you say was the experience level of the players? Were some participants brand new or were they all veterans (I noticed most decks had up to x3 copies of each card)?

Also, at the start of the tournament did you discuss any of the new rules pertaining to scouting?

Thanks again, it's always fun to read about these events!

TheProfessor said:

Interesting approach, but since it would take 3-5 turns to win Negotium even with Voice of the Jungle, the deck would be ready to shut down everything as soon as Negotium was won, wouldn't it?

And of course there is Burrowing Beneath and Thunder in the East to help clear out Voice of the Jungle…

Yeah, you'd either have to win other stories before Negotium was won, or hope you can lock down other stories with the same combo as the Negotium story ended. Funny I did almost play a deck like this for the tourney!

its 3am here after the regional so haven't got the brain power at the moment. im supposing its glimpse of the void?? (im guessing that's whats happening).

i know the issue for me has always been the impetus to require certain factions and cards to counter such things, but perhaps power drain and a spell from discard card (i think its a yog character) might be a 2 card fix. seeing the hastur / yog decks in the top spots at some regionals, it wouldn't be hard for them to change a couple of cards to possibly?? negate this deck. will investigate tomorrow. i don't think its as bad as it looks, but it is clever, and as has been shown before, its often the clever ones that can be beaten in hindsight that win these events!!

its also bouncing around in my foggy head whether another dedicated mill deck with support destructions would have a field day with this deck??

Well, it is a pretty rough deck. I played against it twice, and literally could do nothing other than draw two cards and pass my turn.

I think a mono-Miska full rush deck might have a chance, if they can quickly get stories won before Glimpse of the Void begins to play. Open for Inspection would be a big help.

Yipe said:

For example, with only 5 players how did you run the event and how long did it take? What would you say was the experience level of the players? Were some participants brand new or were they all veterans (I noticed most decks had up to x3 copies of each card)?

Also, at the start of the tournament did you discuss any of the new rules pertaining to scouting?

Thanks again, it's always fun to read about these events!

We ran 3 rounds of Swiss Pairing format (as required by the Tournament Rules), ensuring no player got a bye twice. And we had a play-off for the top two spots to confirm the tournament champion.

Each round was scheduled for 50 minutes, per TR, but no game used the entire time. The longest game of the entire tournament took about 42 minutes - most between 20 and 30 minutes long.

Four of the five players were very experienced - two of them have participated in GenCon Worlds Tournaments for the past 3 years. One participant was new to CoC, but experienced as a card game player.

We discussed the Scouting rules. It was mostly accompanied by laughter, in a friendly way. All players said that they had no objections to others watching them play. We decided that if anyone was taking detailed notes while watching other people play we would consider that poor sportsmanship though!