Thanks for the scenario, it was a lot of fun. I think we got kind of lucky. We had a team of 4 and managed to close the 8th gate with one slot left on the doom track. Overall, it was a real challenge. The extra toughness and horror check made even cultists and maniacs a challenge to kill. The theme was great too. The story was a fun tie in to the scenario...
Initially I played Amanda Sharpe, Even though she wasn't in the background story, I always wanted to try her out. Like a good little student, she immediately went looking for money. She got a job at the newspaper, and decided to head back to campus and hunt around for clues. She ran into one of the stranger professors who had her hold this strange item... and all of the sudden... she's Jenny Barnes.
I've never done the character swap before, but I was already having second thoughts about not having Jenny in the game despite her role in the story. If only we could have found a way to pull Joe Diamond into the game as well...