What are the exclusive troops in the revised starter

By yobtar, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Are all the models in the revised starter exclusive to the set or are any of them available as normal boosters?

yobtar said:

Are all the models in the revised starter exclusive to the set or are any of them available as normal boosters?

All models from Revised Core Set are available only in Revised Core Set - you can't buy them in the separate boxes but you can buy them from i.e. ebay.com like from Hoard Bits who tends to split up revised core set from time to time.

Is the walker exclusive as well?

Yes, you can't get the Hans or the Blackhawk in a different box.

awesome thanks!

I have the OG starter and some of that stuff you can get other ways so wanted to make sure. Now I just need to find someone to buy a starter with.

This store:

will split up Revised Core Sets and sell you just the side you want (along with half of all the other pieces.) Send them an email and they could hook you up.

if you have a unit of heavy flak grenadiers i want to buy them from you to build up my army i want to play 2 or 3 of them as unit hunters or chopper killers