Where did the Bright Order pack go?

By Ralzar, in WFRP Print on Demand Expansions

I ordered the Bright Order pack a little while a go. A couple of days ago I got a package from FFG containing an Arkham Horror POD instead. I scratched my head and contacted customer support, which said they would mail me a new Bright Order pack and to just keep the Arkham Horror POD thye had sent by mistake. Yay for great customer support :)

However, I just noticed that the Bright Order POD is no longer listed in the shop. What gives? I wonder if that somehow had something to do with me recieving the wrong package.

wow, really nice customer support! although i would'nt know what to do with a pack of a game i don't own hehe, but still very nice gesture!

and i found the bright order pack here: http://store.fantasyflightgames.com/productdetails.cfm?SKU=oWHF23

also ready for order….strange that you cannot display it

For some reason the link is not on the active store window, it's probably the page dynamics ******* up and no one noticed. You can also click your way there from the WFRP POD page.