And it is perhaps worth pointing out that it's called "and they shall know no fear", not "and they know no fear".![]()
As with all things in 40k, though, such details are a matter of interpretation and personal preferences, so FFG's version is certainly just as valid. I just find it fascinating how the original fluff of the Marines' inventors seems to be so much less popular with the players.
While Space Marines could be routed according to WD 129, it's clear that Space Marine morale went up and beyond the morale of any other fighting force in the "original fluff/crunch". Unless RIck Priestley doesn't count.
Hey, these rules could be fun in Deathwatch. Basically, you take a normal fear test and if you fail, you become Shaken (=can't go closer to any enemy except to help out a brother in CC within charge range). Only if you fail another fear test (from another source, arguably) while shaken you succumb to effects of fear. But even before that, you can test against WP every round to remove Shaken status.