What are the deadliest units of the game?

By Panzer soldier, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I have a local tournament coming up. I was wondering what everyone thought the deadliest units in the game are, Axis and Allies?

My current army centers on a Stormkonig. I am a tread head, and the Stormkonigs versatile heavy firepower is to much for me to resist.

The answer depends on what you want them to be deadly against. Lara and heavy recon V soldiers or heavy lasers are excellent, even better if you have the heavy command nearby to drug them up = 1 dead Punisher in one round of shooting.

I just discovered the ugliness that is Angela with Sniper Genadiers

I like Lara joined to Heavy Laser Grenadiers - good mix of anti-infantry and anti-tank in one squad.

Angela is definitely nasty, but I'm not so hot about an anorexic goth girl in my army.

I'm surprised no one has gone for weapons with unlimited range give you the ability to draw first blood.

Command squads seem to be very handy. The get moving you bunch of gives you a potential extra move. The ability to bring back an infantry unit and vehicle are free points. This is an especially big with a heavy walker.

The best combo I've really used is Tankbusters with Ozz. Add an command squad and bazooka joe to the army and its pretty nasty.

Panzer soldier said:

I'm not so hot about an anorexic goth girl in my army.

I'd also dislike an anorexic goth girl in my army, but as we are talking about an anorexic goth girl with a big gun that can kill lots of stuff, I think I'll reconsider.

Jowimus said:

The best combo I've really used is Tankbusters with Ozz. Add an command squad and bazooka joe to the army and its pretty nasty.

Dose the Command Squad REALLY help that much?

They "can" but you have to get lucky. I've had several games where the command squad was as useless as udders on a bull.

Pickle4192 said:

Dose the Command Squad REALLY help that much?

The last tournament I went to was in April, in Olympia Washington. The point limit was 250, and consisted of four games. I came in third out of 18 players. I was very happy with this, as these are all experienced gamers. More importantly they are a good group and a great time was had by all.

I would say that my Lothar and Stormkonig were my best pieces. The Lothar can put devastating fire on a target at long range. The Stormkonig is a bullet magnet but it has great fire power against any type of unit. I also see it being very handy against the Russians.

My Command squad was hot and cold, and cost me my only loss. They did absolutely nothing during the game. So I have decided to dump them in favor of a Luthar. This piece is very versatile and gives me a little more attack power in AA, assault and ranged firepower.
The winning army was an allied tank army fielded by my friend Sergeant-G. Tank armies seem to do quit well. Especially if they include a heavy walker.
We have started a gaming group in Tacoma Washington, and hopefully will have tournament here soon.

Thanks for asking Dakkon 426.

It was a really good tournament!

Deadliest unit hands down, Heavy Recon with Lara.

They do nothing against armor.

Panzer, the repair/revive skills may equate to free points but you gotta remember that your opponent gets credited with the kills too. So you can repair a destroyed vehicle but your opponent will get an opportunity to score twice against the same vehicle too.

Yep I know. I have dumped the command squad. They are too unpredictable and I have decided to use the 40 points they cost to field a more reliable unit.

As to what exactly that will be I haven't decided yet. The SSU choppers means you should have to field at least 2 antiaircraft units. Hopefully the SSU attack choppers will be released soon so I can figure out how to deal with that and still be competitive with other armies.

I think I can answer the question of powerful units a bit better now, but lets start with worst. For the Allies the hotdog is said to be overpriced and has a very short range. The Honey walker with its Phaser guns is considered too unreliable by many Allied players. No one fields the Black Hawk is has short range and not enough armor or hit points to get close enough to use its weapons.
All of the Allied infantry is rather good, but I fear Grim Reapers the most. They are fast have tons of firepower. If they are joined by a hero such as OZZ or Rhino they are truly nasty. The Steal Rain and the Pounder are both solid units. But the Steal Rains ability to doll out so much firepower in my opinion make it the best. The honey is great against aircraft and infantry.

As for the Axis, favorite unit is the Storkonig. It has great fire power against any type of unit, and unlimited range. It is also very hard to kill with armor 6 and 8 hit points.
The Lothar also has great firepower, and it's ability to use indirect fire make it difficult to kill. The Heinrich is also a mean little machine. It is hell on legs against infantry and aircraft, and cheap just 26 points.
The Axis infantry all have their uses, but my money is on Zombies, Zombies, Zombies! They are fast absolutely devastating in close combat. Plus you can chant brains!, as you advance. The only thing better is putting the Totenmeister with then, her ability to regain wounds is awesome.
Bad units, the Hans. Again short range and too east to kill.

The SSU, I don't know. I haven't played against them enough ans allot of their units have not been released yet.

Panzer soldier said:

The honey is great against aircraft and infantry.

I think you meant something else. The Wildfire, probably.

I agree that the Hot Dog and Blackhawk are very hard to justify. The Honey is very tricky, but I find it worthwhile from time to time.

Ups, yes I meant Wildfire not Honey. I agree the Honey can be a good unit, if you are lucky. Unfortunately I am not lucky, so I shy away form phaser guns and laser.

I think the RCS walkers are a bit underestimated. Hans and Blackhawk can be great units but they are mostly usefull in urban areas. When it's not enough place for the long range guns to catch them in sights the blackhawks all in one ability to pop out and make all in one can be devastating. Hans's got scout and can hurt both armor and inf. The most versitale walker in the whole game!

If in a built up Urban game the hans is hard to use because of its speed and unable to cross terrain on the diagonal, Hand never gets the first shot off in a firefight.

Lska said:

I think the RCS walkers are a bit underestimated. Hans and Blackhawk can be great units but they are mostly usefull in urban areas. When it's not enough place for the long range guns to catch them in sights the blackhawks all in one ability to pop out and make all in one can be devastating. Hans's got scout and can hurt both armor and inf. The most versitale walker in the whole game!