Question about the core game and the Revised Rules

By Tom O' Bedlam, in Tannhauser

Does anyone know if the Revised Rules are now, for sure, included in copies of the Core Set?I ask because I want to get the game but I don't want to spend the extra money if I don't have to, especially since I'll be getting it online. At the same, I'd hate to order the game and find out after I get it that I do need the new rules booklet. So, can anyone shed some light on this dilemma of mine?

Since the Revised Ed. came out in 2010 it's resonable to assume that most popular retailers like CoolStuffInc for example have sold thru their old stock and have purchased more recent copies.

Beware of Ebay sales, used copies, and really steep discounts (as that may indicate a very old copy the store is desprate to get rid of).

You can always order direct from FFG and you be guarenteed to get one of the newest copies available.

Hope that helps.

Thanks! I was going to go through this site called "CCGAromory" where I just ordered the entire " Mansions of Madness " set for a whole lot less than retail but in the case of the Tannhauser Core set I'll play it safe and get it somewhere else, like Amazon or the site you mentioned.