Armor Saves

By simpatikool, in Dust Warfare

There is another post about cover and armor in this forum, but I could not find an answer to my question.

My question is thus…


ROLLING THE DICE "Armor rolls are made by the unit and not individually by each miniature…." "After damage has been inflicted by an attack, the defending player rolls a nmumber of dice equal to the unit's armor rating to defend against the damage. A Soldier 2 unit would therefore roll two dice."…

So, if say my unit of Heavy Laser Grenaderiers took say 5 hits from say Assault rifle attacks and they are in heavy cover. I would roll only 3 DICE for Soldier 3 plus one additional die for Damage resilient. If I rolled 3 successes on the dice, I woould actually make 5 saves (Since Hard Cover is treated as having scored two additional successes.

I do not make 3 Armor saves per individual miniature, I am rolling once with a pool of dice that is generated by the targeted unit right?


attacks are made against the unit not the model, the defender decides which model in the unit receives the wounds. so the unit itself would roll its armour save against the attack and not each model. and yes u are right you would get 5 cover saves if they all came up like that.

Yup, you've got it right.

yes, you roll for the unit, not the miniatures. Cover negates damage depending on its type. You make only 1 armor roll

simpatikool said:

There is another post about cover and armor in this forum, but I could not find an answer to my question.

My question is thus…


ROLLING THE DICE "Armor rolls are made by the unit and not individually by each miniature…." "After damage has been inflicted by an attack, the defending player rolls a nmumber of dice equal to the unit's armor rating to defend against the damage. A Soldier 2 unit would therefore roll two dice."…

So, if say my unit of Heavy Laser Grenaderiers took say 5 hits from say Assault rifle attacks and they are in heavy cover. I would roll only 3 DICE for Soldier 3 plus one additional die for Damage resilient. If I rolled 3 successes on the dice, I woould actually make 5 saves (Since Hard Cover is treated as having scored two additional successes.

I do not make 3 Armor saves per individual miniature, I am rolling once with a pool of dice that is generated by the targeted unit right?


Looks like you have it correct. And don't forget even though you negated all the hits, you still get a suppression marker.