Do units have to move in a straight line?

By felkor, in Dust Warfare

This is probably an obvious question for people with previous mini experience, but it certainly isn't spelled out in the rules. Do units have to move in a straight line?

So if a unit is behind a wall, and it move around the edge of the wall and be on the other side, as long as it didn't move more than 6" total? Or can it only move straight? And if it can only move straight, does that mean that a march move must also all be in a straight line - i.e. 12" straight, rather than 2 6" straight moves?

As long as the miniature moved up to 6" and nothing more, it's fine. So if it takes two inches to the right to get around the wall you've still got your four inches to move in any other direction, at least that is how it is commonly through out every miniature game I've played. Warhammer 40k, AT-43, Warpath. Don't think of the units even having to move in a line, nor do they have to move the full 6". Sometimes it's beneficial not to move the full 6".

Hope this helped. (Although this doesn't even touch the action for move move but that will be the same deal just twice. :) )

I actually wondered the same thing… btw in 40k you can walk through walls with a difficult terrain roll. When i played the demo at adepticon it seemed to me that you had to walk around walls although it isnt expressly stated anywhere.

Azrell said:

I actually wondered the same thing… btw in 40k you can walk through walls with a difficult terrain roll. When i played the demo at adepticon it seemed to me that you had to walk around walls although it isnt expressly stated anywhere.

Vehicles are limited to moving within their 90 degree forward facing, with the option to turn up to 90 degrees before or after movement. Either that, or stay still and turn any direction as their full movement.

That allows even vehicles leeway from straight line movement, while restricting their mobility.

Thanks guys! I thought they should be able to move other than in straight lines, but all the book examples have them that way. So thanks for clearing that up.

Yeah, 40k is the only game I have seen where troops can become insubstantial. Every other game I play [ok, maybe a couple of the Superhero minis games] Walls are solid and you have to traverse around them.