Rules halp and such

By DerBarchen, in Battles of Westeros

Ok so 5 of us bought the core set and have had a few games and we have a few questions we hope you guys can anwser:

1. The tactics for Rob Stark that say "if you have a red order token and a valor order token every unit engaged with a friendly unit takes a hit" is that an instant hit? Does this ability depend on the ZOC of the comander who used the card?

2. How exactly does Toughness work? Does it ignore the first hit per turn? or per round? Or just every time the model with it takes a hit from a new source?

3. How do archers in melee work? Do they have mellee attacks at all? Do they get parting blows? Can they counterattack?

I'm no rules expert, but I'm a huge fan of this game. I'll try to answer your questions.

1. in this case, I believe that EVERY enemy unit on the board that is engaged (an engagement marker is present) takes an automatic hit, regardless of which commander issued the order. *remember, only enemy units that have an engagment marker would take the hit.

2. Toughness 1, for example would ignore the first hit rolled against that unit every time its attacked. so even if that unit is attacked 3 times in a row, it would ignore the first hit of each attack.

3. archers dont 'exactly' have a melee attack. when they attack, they make a ranged attack between 1 - 4 hexes using the "off-balance" keyword…so if they move they lose 1 attack dice. They can counterattack and parting-blow normally.

hope that helps!

1. Tactics on Leadership Cards affect the entire board. It was clarified as errata in the rulebook by the designer.

2. Toughness ignores the first hit of each attack. Hits taken from retreats are considered part of the same attack and so would not trigger Toughness a second time.

3. Archers don't have melee attacks because they don't have the melee symbol on their Unit Reference Cards. Even when they attack an adjacent target, no engagement token is placed and they never flank, but, yes, they counterattack and parting blow as normal.

Thanks a lot, those were perfect explanations! As someone who has come over from Warhammer 40k all those rules seem super overpowered =P


please help. I play whit Lanister and have unit with cover. Stark unit already engaged it. Then Stark player useoabove mentioned tactic from Robs card before the command. What will happen whit my unit? Cover prevent the hit from tactic then cover is lost and when my unit is attacked this turn cannot use cover to ignor hit, or tactic is prevented and when is attacked whit Stark unit this turn cover prevent my unit once again. 10x in advance