Is there any advantage for height in this game?

By felkor, in Dust Warfare

I read through the rules last night, trying to just touch on all the important parts so I could get into a game quickly, and I don't recall reading anything about height advantages - i.e., if someone from the top of a building is shooting down at someone on the ground, do they get an advantage?

short answer my friend is no.

the long answer is nnnooooOOOoooooo, as lines are drawn horizontally. You gain no mechanical benifits to rolls when high or low, though line of sight can be drawn with greater ease at greater elevations.


please remove with excessive force

Ok thanks. It's not too big of a deal, although it makes multistore buildings not terribly useful I think, except I guess for being able to see over other terrain (so I guess it depends on how the table is set up.)

correct, LoS is the only advantage right now…