Snipers vs Characters

By Pagan Wolfe, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Sorry if this has come up before, I have trawled through many pages and can't seem to find the answer.

My sniper hits a unit in cover and declares the attached character as the target. Now, I know the character is part of a unit but since he has been targeted by the sniper (picked out) does he get the cover save (considering characters do not get them unless sharing it with a unit)?

Or, in other words, can characters ever get a cover save against the targeting skills/ability of the sniper?

Thanks in advance.

A hero (or character as you call them) attached to a squad gets a cover roll like any other trooper. It doesn't matter that it's a sniper singling him out, he's still attached to the squad.

Awesome, thanks for clearing that up. That was the simplest way to look at it (which is more often the correct way of playing DUST) and the way I was leaning, but it was worth checking. Still hanging onto old habits from other systems where the rules are not so clear or 'water tight'. Like calling heroes characters for example… gran_risa.gif

Thanks once again.

Something disturbs me…

Does the Spotter ability can be use on the Sniper ability ?

So attack a squad, declare a miniature as target of a sniper, roll a dice and kill it on a "MISS" result ?

For Angela, does Frenzy works on the Sniper ability ?

(So it could be impressive to cumulate Frenzy + Spotter + Sniper on a hero enemy or any target in a squad that get a hard cover…)

The spotter is there to aid the sniper which is why they are a team and it works with Angela to.

Just to be sure, if, I well understand :

- With the Sniper ability, a HIT give directly one damage (and it can't be save by a cover save, only a damage resilient).

- With Spotter, Sniper give straight away one damage with a MISS.

- Angela with Frenzy + Sniper + Spotter can make many damages immediately with the reroll of the MISS values…

Not quite :

- The Sniper ability DOES NOT ignore cover. All it does is allow you to chose where to apply the damage that the target unit ends up taking.

- As above, Spotter is not a guaranteed damage, the target still gets to roll cover and damage resilient. Spotter considers blanks as hits, and hits as blanks.

- Correct, but the target still gets all of its save rolls, and she can't reroll against walkers.

And remember that this doesn't just work with Angela. You could pair the Chef with the Crack Shots' Spotter and be rolling 12 dice that hit on blanks (and do ignore cover).

Thanks !

The ambiguity came from the description of the Sniper ability where it was said that Sniper inflict one damage on a HIT result.

So even that's not a direct damage, it's very powerful.