Chef Question

By reptilebro1, in Dust Warfare

So I got in a couple of games yesterday and used Chef in one of my platoons. His ability Spy, states he cannot be targeted until he attacks a unit, Does the unit he attacks get to react before he makes the attack rolls? If so, this is not a good special ability since he is only a AR 2 with 3 DC he is more than likely die before the attack does any damage.

reptilebro1 said:

So I got in a couple of games yesterday and used Chef in one of my platoons. His ability Spy, states he cannot be targeted until he attacks a unit, Does the unit he attacks get to react before he makes the attack rolls? If so, this is not a good special ability since he is only a AR 2 with 3 DC he is more than likely die before the attack does any damage.

If thats the case, he better wait and attack a supressed or unit that already Reacted.

It states they can target or react against him when he declares an attack. Reactions happen after the attack is declared, so I would say the enemy can react. I guess that means you should use his first attack during the command phase when he can't be reacted against.

I thought I read somewhere that when you react to an attack it was simultaneous if you attack back.

You're right, they would go simultaneous, but they do get to react. Thanks for pointing that out