A Quick "First League" Question Before the Second Shows Up...

By Weyoun, in Arkham Horror League

So a couple of weeks ago I was commenting about the slaughter my four-investigators team had to put up with during our attempts to deal with Y'Golonac on Scenario 7 (a post nobody replied to preocupado.gif )... but finally, on the FOURTH try, we managed to kill the bastard in combat.

The thing is, we did not remember that phrase in the FAQ that points out "(Devoured Investigators) are removed from future scenarios and can not be revived, resuscitated, or rescued. This is only true of the best result from each scenario ."; so in our first three failed attempts we considered the four different investigators devoured each time as out from the league from that point on. Meaning we played 4 investigators the first time and lost, considered them out for the second time and chose other four different ones, and... well, to cut a long story short, by the time we'd won 15 characters had died and been considered out of play along the way.

The question is, should we have considered the one time we won as the "best result" and as a result only the devoured investigators in THAT game would be out of the league and not the ones in the previous attempts? How have you been playing this?

Thanks for your input!

i think yes, only those devoured in the score you kept should be out


I basically always kept the first game that resulted in a success.

I had one game where one investigator was devoured, so I removed that investigator.

I had one other game where all four investigators were devoured (during final combat), so I repeated the game using the same four investigators.

In the FAQ's JR states...

"Once an investigator is devoured they are out. They are removed from future scenarios and can not be revived, resuscitated, or rescued. This is only true of the best result from each scenario."

Hopefully that clarifies things a little.