do units attack with all weapons on their model in an attack action►

By caecitas, in Dust Warfare

Evening gents.

Just got the rulebook and having a blast, but i wanted to check if im reading this right - all miniatures with multiple weapons fire all their weapons during an attack action, yes►

Eg the hell boys are able to attack with 5 grenades AND 3 shotguns AND 2 flamethrowers all in one attack action►

Cheers in advance for the answers

That is correct.

and you can also split those attacks against different targets, ie 5 grenades can be against 5 different units… handy for encompasing combined attacks that will benefit from the burst rule of not allowing cover saves and for grenades giving auto supression.. that''s 5 supression tokens on 5 units if you foolishly attack that many lol… hope they don''t all react ;)

mariettabrit said:

and you can also split those attacks against different targets, ie 5 grenades can be against 5 different units… handy for encompasing combined attacks that will benefit from the burst rule of not allowing cover saves and for grenades giving auto supression.. that''s 5 supression tokens on 5 units if you foolishly attack that many lol… hope they don''t all react ;)

Yeah, in the case of the Hell Boys, it could mean you can attack up to 10 different units, but that could be up to 10 reactions causing you all kinds of pain!

thats what i thought, thank you gentlement.

As i grasp the rules slowly but surely im discovering that the allies have some very agressive options that are offset by the fact UGL's require reload, but it sure does make a type 2 infantary platoon capable of scaring off those axis type 3 troops i seem to be facing all this weekend. Im tempted to write up a turn by turn decription of my game with a few explanations as to the rules, presuming this forum allows such things.

Kind of makes Hero's more important with their ability to remove suppresion on 'blanks' and the ability of one of the platoons to have a hero (I think it's just axis) move from one unit to another in a special order… gah wish I had my rulebook handy lol.