Colorado Gaming Group for WH:I

By Dimitro, in Warhammer Invasion Community

I''m looking to join an existing gaming group or start one up in the Denver / Aurora area. I recently moved to Colorado and am need of a group for monthly / bi-weekly sessions. Toss me a PM if you are interested with possible meeting places. The only store that I''ve been to so far is Enchanted Grounds in Highland Park which seemed to have a good atmosphere and a coffee shop.

Might be a bit out of your way, but down in the Springs, we have regular meet-ups for Warhammer Invasion. We run the leagues quarterly and try to run other regular events at Gamers Haven,

We are about halfway through a league right now.

Thanks for the info Sgt. I posted up on the gamers haven forums under the same user name. Hoping we'll have a chance to meet up and get some games in.