A potential solution to Macrobatteries.

By WittyDroog, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Larkin said:

I would like to ask if you've play tested any of your math problems, because using RAW rules (minus Macrocannon Salvos) my group has managed to 1 volley nearly every ship they've come across, including a heavy cruiser.

Quoting the important part that you once again ignored. And of course I'm trolling you in an attempt to piss you off because you consistently ignore important points in my posts when responding to them. So, again, your lack of reading comprehension is fairly sad, so I'm sorry for it.

We've played through a few battles now. The Mathhammer approach was a move in the right direction, specifically the reduced armor and individual hits, but it seemed to really nerf the smaller ships, which may be in line with BFG results but isn't much fun for Rogue Traders who aren't in cruisers or better (and I'm loathe to let them have cruisers, the Monte Haul types wouldn't like my campaigns). So we tried the Armor Divisor method with the Mathhammer details and found we much preferred it, but we haven't yet decided whether we like armor/2 or armor/3 yet. The /2 method still gives the frigates some pre-disintegration time for decisions, and doesn't totally reduce Eldar raiders and Orion Clippers to nil, though the capital ships are extremely hard to damage, though we kind of like that, but the /3 method makes for faster combats all around. I'm not buying into the argument that Lunar bows should be invincible. After all, in BFG, once the shields are down, every weapon has about an equal chance of damaging.

Thanks for the feedback.

For your information, the smaller ships were much weaker in Battlefleet Gothic. That game was really focussed on cruisers, and the escorts were one-hit wonders that just tagged along to cover the cruisers' tails. Escort firepower and hull integrity doubled (in some cases, more than doubled) when Rogue Trader hit the shelves. Then again, Rogue Traders are far more likely to have an escort than a cruiser… so some adjustment was called for.


- V.

I subtract the armor from each individual Macro hit. I thought that's what your supposed to do any way just like in personal combats each hit with a weapon gets it's damage subtracted individually.

I'm like 93.76% sure it says to do that in the rulebook anyway.

??? Your logic is seriously flawed ieatdeadpeople2 . I suggest you have a friend read the rules, and you converse with him/her (preferably a female friend, because it could get rough :) on what they state. Because by your suggestion, my Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadside that does 1d10+2 damage, that fits on a Cruiser size ship, couldn't even hurt a Transport that has 12 armour…..? But other than that, I like your style. happy.gif

GM's, shafting over the PC's since the beginning of time. demonio.gif

You'd be better off trusting the other 2.24%.

When firing a macrobattery, a successful roll scores one hit,
plus an additional hit for each degree of success, to a maximum
of the macrobattery’s strength. Essentially, a more accurate hit
means the character was able to land more shots on the enemy
ship. After the ship calculates the amount of hits it has scored,
apply the effects of the defender’s void shields (see “Damage
and Defences” below). Once the final number of hits has been
determined, roll the weapon’s indicated Damage once for each
hit, adding the totals together. The final total is the amount of
damage dealt to the target.