Looking forward to buy Call of Cthulhu LCG single cards

By _Teecee_, in CoC Trade Forum

Hallo community,

I started playing this game 6 days ago now and finally managed to read all the cards available in the game to figure out a great deck I'd love to play. :)
Sadly, I found only a few of these cards in the internet to buy, so I'm stuck with a huge list of wantz which without I simply cannot start playing. :,(

So hopefully there anybody out here^^ who wants to sell some cards possibly. I'm sure, we will find an agreement about prices and so on. :)
I'm from Germany, so I'd prefer sending without shipping from huge distances and such ... But anyway, please wright me. ;)

So there are the cards I'm looking for to buy:

2x The Terror of the Tides

2x Y'Golonac
2x Basilisk
1x Nyarlathothep

2x Deep One Raising

3x Twilight Cannibal

3x Descendant of Eibon
3x Dreamlands Fanatic
2x Hungry Dark Young
1x Dirk Sharpe

3x Shocking Transformation
2x Journey to the Other Side

3x Deep One Assault
2x Called by Azathloth

1x Dimensional Rift

I'm really looking forward to get an answer from you. :D

Have fun,
Teecee / Thomas

Thanks to all of you who sold me so many great cards! :D

Only need these now:

3x Dimensional Rift

I'm willing to give 10 $ each.
Please message me. :)