Planned Further Releases??

By vyrago, in Battles of Westeros

Hi everyone. First off....Big fan of this game. I own all the expansions so far.

Which is why im wondering what the future holds. are there more expansions planned? I know there has been talk of Greyjoy and Baratheon. Has FFG said a word about anything? I'm starting to fear this game is 'done'.

They just announced Baratheon. I would love to see some Greyjoy, Tyrell and even old Targaryen with the commanders riding dragons!! Well that last one may be a wee bit overpowered but still cool. I would love to see a series of scenarios with Roberts rebellion and the big battle of the Trident when he killed Rheagar Targaryen. I love this game and look forward to more scenarios!!

OMG....I just saw this today. thats AWESOME! this is great, and i'm hopefull that more sets will follow!!!!!