End Game (when it happens actually)?

By gregor24, in Cosmic Encounter


Few weeks ago we had another greate game of Cosmic. We have and use all addons (except for cosmic quakes, and never tried team cosmic yet).

We had problem of when game ends actually. Situation was(i will try to remember as close as i can):

One player had his encounter and he is about to win (via 5th foreign colony). In resolution phase he puts his 5th foreign colony. Is he the winner immediately? or do we have to resolve "resolution" phase to the end or even whole encounter to the end?

What happend was that he had one of his foreign colonies "hostage" via flare card witch states that at the end of encounter (so after resolution phase?) he loses that colony. So is this player the winner or not?

Do we have to resolve whole encounter to the end always or can game end in between phases or even inside of one phase?


I believe that the game ends the moment a player or players achieves their victory condition. However, I would consider Timing Conflicts too.


In scenario when let say 3 players (1 main player and 2 allies) would win the game via 5th colony in resolution phase. So is actually the winner player who is fast enough and places his 5th colony on that planet or do we have to play that whole resolution phase until end? (and then declare winner/s)

Or even if all 3 players would win in middle of resolution phase, BUT there "would" be one effect that states at the end of resolution they each loose one colony, so that they actualy wouldnt win if whole resolution phase is played out.

I am still confuzed. sorry :)

You gotta resolve the encounter completely.

I disagree with GrimJester. If a player wins immediately after fufilling a victory condition, then powers like The Genius cannot be cosmic zapped as they attempt to win the game. Any power that has to be used is susceptible to a cosmic zap. For this reason I think time is needed to react to a winning action. So yes, since someone has a flare that essentially zaps the win, the fifth colony does not count. If you followed GrimJester's ruling, you would have to be consistant and allow all alternative win powers to be unzappable.

I wouldn't say that we disagree completely here. I agree with you about the use of zaps and other cards. I need to see the exact wording of the flare here and which phase it's played in. If it's resolution, then the problem is solved. The flare goes off.

I should just get the card. Would someone go get the card please? :)

going by the rules, under resolution.

if the offense won

• all ships in hyperspace gate are plaved on planet. each player establishing a colony advances colony marker.

part a) ships landing on planet and b) moving colony marker i think are both simultaneous actions, so if 1 main and 2 allies each moves his /her colony marker up 1 at the same time, hence shared victory.

as to cosmic zapping, you can cosmic zap genius, which states that at the start of any turn he wins if he has 20 or more cards in hand, cosmic zap stops his power for 1 encounter. so cosmic zap him at the start of the turn, somehow get him below 20 cards so for the next turn he does not auto win. Masochist wins if they have all there ships in the warp or out of play during the regroup phase, cosmic zap, cant win for that encounter but wins next regroup phase.tick tock wins if no tokens on sheet , cosmic zap to stop removing a token. sadist if all other players have lost 8+ ships to warp winn in regroup phase, cosmic zap stop win until next regroup.

one importnt thing to remember is all of these powers say use, and it is in bold on the sheets, cosmic zap stops the use of a power. so cosmic zap stops them winning there and then and for the rest of the encounter cause thats how long there power is zapped for. the next encounter/turn when they can use there power again they win.