VP in Liberation scenario

By ChilledOut, in Tide of Iron

In the Liberation scenario, it states "If the Americans have not achieved their victory condition by the end of round 8, players earn VPs as follows:"

Does that mean that you only tally VPs a single time at the very end of round 8? Or are you supposed to tally VPs at the end of every round as described in the rules?


You add up the VPs as per the situation at the end of round 8. not every round. The rules don't state that VPs are caulculated ever round.

Thanks Aussie. We just played it, and it certainly seemed right to tally them all at the end. However, check out the very beginning about page 15: "Now players collect victory points as dictated by the scenario."

yes it say collect them as dictated by the scenario, but the scenrio says they are collected at the end of the game (round 8) if the USA has not won.