Unit cards

By Dicenilee, in Dust Warfare

My son and I and I just finished several turns. Observations: Cards are sorely needed. Looking up special abilities, rules, stats, made me slightly insane with all the page flipping. LOVE the rules. Very dynamic, thoughtful play. I love the reactions and the ease of combat resolution. Doesn't feel simplistic to me. Movement is extremely important, the reaction rules see to that. The JUMP special ability does not cause a reaction, a rule we might have easily missed. I like the command phase, it makes every turn interesting due to the potential twists. Again, I'm thankful for the easy combat resolution. We are still learning 40K, which can drive me nuts with the complexity of combat. I derive the same pleasure from Dust combat as I do with 40K or Warmachine, for that matter. Hmmm, what else? If your opponent reacts to your attack with their own attack, they are resolved at the same time. Didn't happen in our game, but duly noted. We had a tricky situation where my light walker chased his soldier unit around a building trying to get in a shot. BTW, your attack action is wasted if your opponent reacts with a move action and gets himself out of range! I can see how crucial it is to manoeuvre several units in order to trap your opponent.