Hi guys. I'm new here. New to the game but not to the genre (played RPG in the 80's). Bought it a week ago and haven't played yet but been looking through the decks and have devised a few combos. They're probably not new. Someone would have thought of them sooner I'm sure but everyone seems so hush hush keep a secret about things. The amount of views compared to comments gives me the impression of ferrety little gamers sneaking peeks at what others are saying and slinking back to their own decks. HAHA. C'mon guys. Talk. I can't find any people that play in my area so Tournaments will probably be my only opportunity to have a crack. Of course I won't give you the little tidbits I use in what will be my competition deck, but here's a couple for you. Let me know what you think!!
GHATANOTHOA (Cthulhu)-6 / WRITTEN IN THE SKY (Neutral)-1
This combo allows you to play the ancient one and then play the 1 cost neutral to grab another copy of him out of the deck. Then use his special action to reveal the 2nd copy from your hand, Destroy a non-ancient character and shuffle the 2nd copy back into the deck.
GUARDIAN OF THE KEY (Yog-Sothoth)-2 / DISC OF ITZAMNA (Miskatonic)-2
My personal favourite. The support Disc protects the Gaurdian from trigger effects and the Guardian cancels effects that target support cards. haha. Sit the combo back in your line up and all your supports are protected. Your opponent can't touch the Guardian and if he wants to cancel any support cards including attachments AND locations, he needs to drain 2 domains and have 2 trigger effects that effect supports. Nasty.
TWILA KATHERINE PRICE (Miskatonic)-3 can commit to a story un exhausted with a DREAM DIARY (Miskatonic)-2 or un exhaust with BLASPHEMOUS DREAMS (Neutral)-2, then exhaust to resolve a story effect if it's night (TERRORS IN THE DARK (Neutral)-2 / THE SETTING SUN (Neutral)-1). If you've played THE RITUAL CONSPIRACY (Conspiracy)-0 previously that's a 10 card discard right there. OUCH. Long winded but very very dangerous. If you've juiced up the Conspiracy with ACADEMIC OBFUSCATION (Miskatonic)-2 to add 2 required successes and/or DREAMING OF THE PAST (Miskatonic)-1 negates 5th Success once then she should get 2 or 3 cracks at doing this. OUCH OUCH OUCH where did my deck go???? 30 discards later. You do need a Yog-Sothoth character in play to activate the 10 card loss so this is for a Miskatonic/Yog-sothoth combo. WHICH MEANS YOU CAN ALSO HAVE THE GUARDIAN/DISC COMBO TO PROTECT THE STORY ATTACHMENTS!!!
In the muck around deck I made for this i had Miskatonic/Yog-Sothoth/Cthulhu so also had DARK QUAGMIRE (Cthulhu)-2 attached which removes a success every turn and MIDNIGHT RENDEVOUS (Cthulhu)-2 also attachable to give the required night instead of the Neutrals which also cancels Investigation successes. That Conspiracy is there to stay!!! As I said it takes a bit to set up and UNSPEAKABLE RESEARCH (Miskatonic)-4 to search your deck for a card helps and also CAVE ON THE HILL (Cthulhu)-3 which is a location which can pull her out of the story and refresh her before any struggles take place and she's ready next opponents round to do it again if he tries to go in and win the story. In a dream like situation where all the above cards are out, and you only commit TWILA and then run away to leave it undefended, it still takes the eqiuvalent of 8 STORY ROUNDS!! for him to clear it. I don't think anyone has 80 cards in their decks............. Like??? Dunno how practicle in game play it would be. SOMEONE PLEASE TRY THIS AND LET ME KNOW.
That's as far as I've gotten in the first 3 nights of looking at the decks but I may have some more for you soon. Any others?? I'm sure people have some pearlers!!!