Using Dust Tactic Gorillas

By Groddzilla, in Tannhauser

Does anyone have any home brew rules for using Dust Tactic minis in Tannhauser. Specifically the gorillas and zombies. Or does anyone have any suggestions on pointing me in the right direction for making my own rules?

I'm guessing the gorillas would be Troopers. Combat pack - Incredible Strength, Celerity and some type of claw or bash attack


No cards or tokens, but I've gone ahead and posted my take on the Dust Tactics Gorillas on my blog. These are pretty rough, so they may not be entirely balanced:

Doc Savage also had a custom with an ape figure, but I do not think he ever converted it to the Revised Edition rules. You can find his custom here:

Finally, Miah has some custom zombies, the fantastically named Untotetruppen, which you could try:

Customs are fun to make as well, if you want to go that route. You'll need a little imagination and a fair grasp of the rules. Also, some graphics software if you want to make nice cards and tokens.

Awesome, Thanks.

I don't think I'm ready to make my own cards, but I'll try working on some rules. I think there is a character gorilla now too, which might be cool as a hero.