Heavy Walker LOS

By Loophole Master, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Here's a little issue I'd like to clarify. Rules say that a heavy walker can trace LOS from any of the 4 squares it occupies. Fair enough, but look at the example below:


The red LOS from the Konigsluther's front square is clearly blocked by the wall. No attack possible. Now, the green LOS seems to work ok, except that it crosses a square occupied by the heavy walker, a square that supposedly blocks LOS.

I'm probably being silly, but better safe than sorry.

The Heavy Walker blocking LOS to itself conundrum. sorpresa.gif

I doubt that a unit can block LOS with itself, as for the actual rules, no idea.

Good thing you got your hands on those havies. This will clarify some things if we find a good anwser for that:P

That's why we love Loopy. No one else would think of these things :)

If you do fire from the back, I believe you would not be able to do a move + move action as he would be hobbling on 3 legs...

I would agree with Major Mishap and allow the shot.

Probably a good question to send in, although I'm guessing we would at first get a by-the-rules can't shoot answer, only to be contradicted 6 months later by a common-sense of-course-you-can-shoot answer in the FAQ.

why not LOS from the center of the model (center intersection of the 4 square)?

In case anyone is wondering the rule book is worded to allow the shot.

A unit can attack a large vehicle if that unit can trace line of sight from the center of its space
to the center of any of the spaces that the large vehicle occupies. -op. cerberus

Also lol for pointing this out.

Yeah, Dakkon, that is what I was basing my argument on. My issue still remains, how can you trace line of sight to that back square, if it crosses a "square without a dot" or however you wish to define it. A blocked square.

Of course, I agree with all of you, to shot is allowed as a matter of fact.

But there's still a lingering issue...

we had a similair issue: does a unit block los, if it cannot be targeted itself? we had a situation just like in the example above, but with two infantry units instead of the heavy walker. its somehow strange the front unit blocks los, but cannot be the target of the attack...

Yes, this is quite common, and is indeed the case. A unit may block LOS even if you can't hit it directly. It's one of those funny things...