Questions from a prospective buyer

By JohannVonSteiner, in Tannhauser


I recently bought the Tannhauser core game and a a couple of single packs and are now looking to expand my games a bit further. I like what I've seen of the Matriarchy, so the next thing is definetly Operation: Novgorod. But I was thinking even further ahead and was wondering about the other two current expansions.

Firstly; I've heard several posters claim that Asteros is quite imbalanced as a character, and I'm not much for mythic beasts anyway, so I wasn't planning on getting him. But I'm wondering how much use I'd get from the Daedalus map pack if I forgo buying him. Does a majority of the scenarios hinge on having him available? Is Daedalus without Asteros just wasted money? I know I can always play Deathmatch on the new board, but I'm just starting to get into playing scenarios.

Secondly; similar to the first, if I wasn't getting any Shogunate guys (I don't like japanese themed things in general) how interesting is Operation: Hinansho? Are all scenarios dependent on Shogunate units? Are there a lot of tokens only usable by them, etc?

I'd be grateful to anyone who'd give me an analysis of my thoughts!

You dont need shogunate to play hinansho nor asteror to play daedalus as far as I know.

I would buy novgorod and use the scenarios that you will find there and buy the singles for the first three factions, hoax, hoss and oksana are a must IMHO, also the matriarchy troop pack is good. Actually if you buy all matriarchy single pack expansions you end with 2 complete matriarchy factions! Ypu could play for example Zorka, Irina and Gorgei with troop pack vs Oksana, Natalya and Irishka.

I don't own daedalus but any map is perfectly playable with any faction if you like the maps go for it (I dont). I do have hinansho, you will get a ton of tokens you will have no use for (all shogunate objective tokens) but apart from that you will find use for everything and the campaigns there do not require shogunate at all.

If you are to decide on one just for the sake of the maps I like hinansho better, Daedalus maps are mainly corridors with no rooms and that limits some tactics and favours certain factions, I think hinansho maps are more balanced, also these have 4 bonus tokens (1 per faction) that you might find useful and some aditions to the classic maps (such as doors and volatile circles) so more synergy for you with hinansho than with daedalus.

You can also see all the details and rules for asteros and the shogunate characters in savage tales blog and miahs blog and judge on your own ;-)

couple of things - as Moebius said, the 2 expansions are really independent of the miniature expansions you mentioned that you don't want. So really, for you, what i'd consider most are the maps themselves and then the tokens included. The scenarios/campaigns included are all pretty fun to play (until you decide you really want campaigns where heroes level up and get more equipment etc and you make your own campaign rules...) Anyways,

Which types of maps do you like to play on the most? Indoor(closed, short paths) or outdoor(open, long paths)? Symmetrically designed or Asymmetrically designed? Does number of entry points matter to you? Do you like/dislike obstacles? Does theme matter?

Do you want all your crate tokens to look the same? You need Daedalus for that. Do you want to spice up the maps from the Core set & Novgorod with special circle modifier tokens, as a bonus? Hinansho is the one for that. Want to have official, additional entry points for Castle Ksiaz & Catacombs? In Daedalus. Want official tokens to bridge 2 maps? In Hinansho. More 'Bonus' tokens - Hinansho ...

just get both gui%C3%B1o.gif this game forces enough hard decisions as it is.

Thank you for your responses! They both clarify my issues yet make the decisions harder. gui%C3%B1o.gif

That I get good value from both packs sans Asteros and Shogunate is certainly good to know. Therefore I might just get both packs eventually but can safely skip the miniatures.

The rules mentioned for linking boards in Hinansho stands out though, since my model numbers will probably reach four full teams shortly, so getting Hinansho might just be a bit higher in priority because of that.

I do like indoor maps with distinct rooms and limited lines of fire, Castle Ksiaz is definetly my preferred battleground so far. From some images I've seen the research base on the Hinansho board looks like my thing, so that's also a plus. Haven't seen anything of Daedalus but if it's like Moebius wrote with almost all corridors it doesn't sound so exciting.

Again, thanks to everyone (current and future) who took their time to read and respond!