Get those **** drinks off of the table!!! lol
Get those **** drinks off of the table!!! lol
very nice! thanks for sharing your setup.
(you should get a bigger table though; hanging over the edge like that makes me nervous.)
I forgott to answer about the Eagle king mini…
The one I use is the Elf hero on Great Eagle…
The rider itself is a D&D miniatures Crow shaman
The poor eagle has dived down from it's cliff several times, breaking its legs. A lot of glue job there now. Not so much the tables fault, as my tendencies to topple it while reach past it.
Hopefully I will add some new pictures here soon, since I got my city-corner now. Just have to figure out how to make the best of it =)
Finally, here are some pictures of my City-corner.
The tower is a Andrade dice tower that is both the prison and a dice tower (just lift the top), and it's holding the day/night token above the world of Talisman too.
The wanted-posters by the gate are displayed standing up, as a message board.
The Ferryman starts at the Wharf and is moved out in the stormriver with the first player who uses the Wharf.
Strength and craft-tokens have got their own "bowls" next to the High temple (life-tokens have a separete one, put next to the Chapel on the mainboard).
Fate and gold also got "bowls" in the City.
Welcome to the City.
The prison tower.
Full game, during the 30th anniversary.
Nice work!
WOW! I am astounded by all the work you've put in to it! How often do you play it? And does it pack up - or does it stay on that table indefinitely?
Thanks! =)
Well, since I like to play with ALL expansions, and each session takes a full workday or more, I am a bit tired of it right now. So it hasn't seen much play the last six months, except for the anniversary ofcourse.
I will probably exclude the dragon expansion (at least the tiles and dragon lords) next session.
Each border expansion is lose, so it takes about the size of the main board, and a number of levels above it to store. So about 1m x 0,5m x 0,3m in total. It is no problem to fit it in the backseat of my car. Only problem is to not forget anything. Lots of stuff now. =D
But all original boards are lose and easy to play as originally intended. The only modification I have done is to the prison-corner of the City, where the prison has been divided from the rest of the city, to fit at the top of the tower.
What material you used to make the base?
What material you used to make the base?
I use High density Polystyrene (pink material). Work it with a knife to get the form I want, and then use a heat gun on it to "melt" some of the rough surfaces and make it harder (but a bit crispy). Then add color. They are light, and except for the small details, pretty durable.
EDIT: You can see the unmodified material below the main board on the last picture in post #29.
I will wait for the last corner before finishing that, so they will fit nicely.
Edited by Draii
Did you made any more editions to the game? All your pictures are amazing
Edit: what did you use for the sentinel? And what kind of paint did you use to paint the polystyrene
Edited by mightywolveWOWERS!!!
Did you made any more editions to the game? All your pictures are amazing
Edit: what did you use for the sentinel? And what kind of paint did you use to paint the polystyrene
Thanks you. No, there have not been any additions yet since the game is currently in storage as I am studying in another city for a couple of years.
So I haven't even bought (or tried) Woodlands yet.
The sentinel is a D&D Stone golem. I used ordinary gray spraycan primer as a base and made the details with model colors like Vallejo and the like.
Edited by DraiiReally amazing. I saw some of this on BGG but I did not see the highland caves for holding cards or the prison tower. Very imaginative. Just the stone walls around the board add so much to the atmosphere. Alas, to have the time and funds to build the world of Talisman in miniature, replacing the board with 3D model map, I am sure that would only cost several hundred to make. But I would like to just make the central board cliffs like you have and paint some nice minis for now. Thank for sharing you work.
I've been working on something like that for about a year and counting (not 3d printed or carved). So far I'm about 4k in the hole I figure and nowhere near done. Finding time to put it all together is my biggest challenge.
Edited by Joker2016