Runes, Runesmiths and Runic Items

By Yepesnopes, in WFRP House Rules

I added some careers for Dwarfs that I plan to use in my games. I uploaded them here , together with the supplement of runesmithing, just in case someone else might be interested.

The new careers are:

The Dwarf Journeyman Engineer and the Dwarf Lead Engineer.

You will also find the The Longbeard, the Demon Slayer, the Dwarf Lord and the Dwarf Prince. But I think these ones were already there. Note, that the Dwarf Lord and Dwarf Prince career abilities are nearly direct translations of the Noble Lord and the Magistrate career abilities, but applied to combat situations. If your games are (heavily) combat oriented, it is better that you nerf these abilities a bit, for example that of the Dwarf Lord, could add one boon instead of two.

I uploaded a primitive version of the career abilities of the journeyman and lead engineers where it is not stated soketing of an additional Invention as in the case of the Master Engineer.

I uploaded now the "correct" ones.

The advanced Noble and Engineer Careers look great so far. If there is an advanced dwarf box coming out in the distant future then I think it will be something like this. I also very like the longbeard champion. A worthy end for an ironbreaker career, with weapons skill mastery and grumbling discipline. :)

Hi. I have a question for the OP.

I have been discussing with our GM whether he'll allow me to use the three extra runic careers and he has some questions to clarify before he will allow it.

The Master Runesmith and the Runelord careers both have their ability which affects the number of white or yellow dice added to the trade craft check when crafting a runic item… Can you please clarify what this means, because as far as I can gather from the rules in the book of grudges, there is no roll to craft a runic item, there is only a trade craft roll to make the item itself, and then extra time is taken to apply a rune.

Should the card text read "gains dice to trade craft checks to crafting items that will be used for rune applications"? Or are we looking into this too deeply?

thanks for your time.

Megabean said:

Hi. I have a question for the OP.

I have been discussing with our GM whether he'll allow me to use the three extra runic careers and he has some questions to clarify before he will allow it.

The Master Runesmith and the Runelord careers both have their ability which affects the number of white or yellow dice added to the trade craft check when crafting a runic item… Can you please clarify what this means, because as far as I can gather from the rules in the book of grudges, there is no roll to craft a runic item, there is only a trade craft roll to make the item itself, and then extra time is taken to apply a rune.

Should the card text read "gains dice to trade craft checks to crafting items that will be used for rune applications"? Or are we looking into this too deeply?

thanks for your time.


The initial idea of the career abilities you mention is because I house rule that the runesmith must succeed in a Tradecraft check in order to inscribe an item with runes (similarly to the check a dwarf engineer must succeed in order to create /upgrade an invention).

Alternatively, what you propose "gains dice to trade craft checks to crafting items that will be used for rune applications" is a good rule if you want to stick to the RAW rules.

Enjoy the runes!


Hey there, I love the work that you did. I personally like to use SE to print out the cards, I use a special thick double sided photo paper instead of cardstock when printing cards to make them look as authentic as possible.

I see that your career cards and ability cards are image files, I am guessing you probably used photoshop to edit the cards.

Is there anyway for me to get the images that you used to create the new careers? I especially like the dwarven champion. I have tried doing a google search, but I have not found anything close to the images you have.

Thank you for your hard work and time.

Can't believe I've only just stumbled across this Secrets of the Anvil resource. Yepesnopes this is nothing short of awesome. Just had to necro this thread to give big respect to the author. And all this from a guy who it seems plays more SW EoTE than WFRP. I salute you sir and on behalf ot the Runesmith who just joined my game we will have lots of fun working your resources into his eventual career progression and adventure threads. Huge thanks!

Edited by Noelyuk

If you still browse these forums, one of my players just started up as a Runesmith, and I'm sure we could make great use of any/everything you'd be willing to provide.