The Sons of Elrond and a Prince of Men

By qwertyuiop, in Strategy and deck-building

Here's a deck my brain tossed out earlier today. Haven't tried it yet, but It's a deck for a two player game. It may work solo on a scenario or two. I can already foresee some tuning, but here's a rough draft. I already see maybe shifting my wizard ratio...and probably another SotE. I have two core sets, and one of everything else.

In case you hadn't guessed...

Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir, Prince Imrahil

Allies 19

Radagast x2
Gandalf x1
Faramir x1
Dunedain Watcher x1
Snowbourn Scout x3
Vassal of the Windlord x3
Winged Guardian x3
Eagles of the Misty Mountains x3
Descendant of Thorondor x2

Attachments 20

Steward of Gondor x3
Dunedain Mark x2
Dunedain Warning x2
Song of Battle x3
Support of the Eagles x2
Born(e) Aloft x3
Horn of Gondor x2
Rivendell Blade x3

Events 11

Feint x3
Swift Strike x2
Quick Strike x1
Sneak Attack x3
Valiant Sacrifice x2

So, bounce or sacrifice allies to ready Imrahil, draw cards, get paid. Use spent eagles to boost EotMM, and SotE goes on the twins to enhance their primary roles. There's decent willpower to be had for a combat deck, but there's still some hard choices to be made playing solo.

After a play, this deck feels like it could be smoother, but it's a resource provider for sure. Turn one Steward and a turn two Radagast work pretty well. :P

Looks really interesting. Leadership/Tactics is one of my favorite combinations, just for the sheer killing power it usually brings to the table. I'm curious why you only chose to include one copy of Gandalf. I'd cut a Song of Battle and a Rivendell Blade for two more copies of the wizard, since he is your only means of threat reduction/card draw (aside from Valiant Sacrifice). Since you have both Sneak Attack AND Born Aloft, you'll be able to get plenty of uses out of each copy. I'm also not a fan of Swift Strike, so that could be removed to make room for Gandalf.

Aside from that, it looks pretty solid. You might tinker around with individual card quantities a bit, but I think the brothers work quite well together.

I think this deck has some game, but the prince seams to combo with spirit much better imo. So the other deck should be running that , I mean Escort is 2 mana for 4 will during the quest and untaps the prince for example... Horse breaker will ready someone of your choice AND the prince.. these are some combos that are more stable for him. As they are forced sac effects and/or sac effects that do not really weaken your board position. The eagle sacs are good, but unless you have the Eagels of the misty mountains out you will be reluctant to do this, as there is little other attack / defence in this deck.. effectively making princes thing a bit of a dead effect.

It is very hard to judge a deck with out seeing there deck it is combo'n with,.. but this is my main concern with this deck.


Any reason why you would not want to run 3 Gandalf?

Gandalf is so good, I wanted to try a build without him at first. Paired with a Spirit/Lore, heavy Spirit deck, I'm not really concerned about threat... but I haven't played the deck a ton. I'll probably put two more Gandalfs since the Leadership resources aren't being heavily used right now.

Edit: I may start working on a Spirit Deck for support...but I currently have other ideas, especially once Watcher in the Water comes out.