
By just Logan, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

1st time with a dust tactics organized event, and I have some questions.

Army build/point costs- I read that they had a total to bring and then could build from that at one event. Will it be the same for this?

Scenario selection- Will it be from the whole library, selected from only a certain pool, from one book, or be entirely new.

Is anyone building to suit certain scenarios? Could this really be done in an organized format?

Meta Predictions/thoughts? Lots of new stuff will be out. The overall seems to favor Axis from what I gather, do you think the latest recruits will change that?

It's been a long time since I've done any organized play, and many companies/events/groups seem skilled at sucking the fun out of a game. I would love to hear of anyone past exp with dust in this setting.

Army build/point costs- I read that they had a total to bring and then could build from that at one event. Will it be the same for this?
I don't know but we had a 240 point pool and from that we had to pick 160 per map at Gencon. I would suspect it will be up to individual tourney organizers for this one.

Scenario selection- Will it be from the whole library, selected from only a certain pool, from one book, or be entirely new.
It will probably be from the existing scenarios, but I suspect it will be down to the TO's choice.

Is anyone building to suit certain scenarios? Could this really be done in an organized format?
I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Meta Predictions/thoughts? Lots of new stuff will be out. The overall seems to favor Axis from what I gather, do you think the latest recruits will change that?
Only the stuff out now is tourney Legal so no wotan sad.gif , I will not reveal my speculations on changes to the meta game. And if you are failing to beat the axis with allies you need to adjust your tactics.

It's been a long time since I've done any organized play, and many companies/events/groups seem skilled at sucking the fun out of a game. I would love to hear of anyone past exp with dust in this setting.

The gencon tournament was great fun, FFG was great if we had anything to say about the tournament they listen and did anything they could to fix it.

Hay DAKKON did you get my private message?

No I, Haven't but My email is in my profile if you want to try that.