FAQ 1.3

By Loophole Master, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

At last we have a new FAQ , and this one's a biggie! It doesn't just include clarifications of rules, but several outright CHANGES to them! And it was a very good move to include the new information in red!

- Stimulant Kit receives a subtle but important change. Now instead of 4 actions, it gives a unit 2 activations. That might seem the same, but some abilities will behave very differently. And I guess you can't combine the last ability of the 1st activation with first ability of the 2nd activation to make a Sustained Attack.

- Deployment has changed completely. Now it's an outright Move action, with Move ratings and skills affecting it normally.

- Reactive Fire no longer can be attempted by several units on the same turn. Also, when using it against a Charging unit, it can take place between its Moves, not just right before the Attack.

- "Get Up, It Ain't That Bad" no longer replenishes the squad's limited ammo weapon stock.

I find all of these to be great changes, which are all very intuitive and make more sense that the previous version.

The FAQ is a complete rule reversal of all the answers we got via email, and a good thing too, the rules are now more logical and streamlined - still no idea how a heavy walker deploys on a space thats not a board edge though.

Sorry, on the Stim Kit, I meant:

"And I guess you can't combine the last action of the 1st activation with first action of the 2nd activation to make a Sustained Attack."

And yeah, most of these rullings are cancellations of the answers we've gotten recently from FFG. It would seem that someone saw what kind of answers were being given and was not happy with it, deciding to put the record straight on all of them.

It seems I was wrong as to the repercussions of the new rules concerning the stim kit. I thought single-use skills like Berserk, Assault and Heroic Attack only affected a single activation (which would mean they would only work for 2 of the 4 actions), but now I see that they are usually listed as lasting for one round , which means they'd work for both activations.

The same thing goes for skills I thought would be able to be used twice, like Medal of Honor, but that too is listed as only being usable a single time each r ound .

This actually begs the question, are they mixing round and activation in these rules? When they say Medal of Honor can only be used once per round , does it mean that if the units gets reactivated that round, it doesn't get to use it? And what about All-in-One? It says "roll twice the normal number of attack dice for all of its weapon lines for that round ", does that mean that attacks are still doubled if the unit gets reactivated later that round?

So far, the only effects I could find for this new Stim Kit ruling is that 2 Reactive Fire attempts can take place, one during the 1st activation and one during the 2nd (but can you attempt reactive fire between the two?), and also that a Badass unit will get two full sets of ammo.

The new ruling allows for 2 consecutive attacks. For the round/activation issue I would leave it at round seems more than fair.

Yeah, I suppose that with this new rule you could MOVE+ATTACK, then ATTACK+MOVE. A great strategy for popping out, dealing a lot of damage, then falling back to safety to recover.

This could be interesting. Does that change the problem with HVY deployment? :D

Heavies deploy just like everything else. There was never really a problem with it. I guess in some scenarios they will have to move/move.

Lska said:

This could be interesting. Does that change the problem with HVY deployment? :D

It doesn't really address it one way or the other. There's still nothing saying you HAVE to perform both entering Moves on the same round, nor does it indicate whether you're still obliged to make the 2nd Move when entering in the middle of the board.

Though, in my opinion, those are questions that common sense alone should solve (you have to deploy fully in a single round, and when deploying in the middle of the board, the 2nd Move is not required).

Loophole Master said:

Lska said:

This could be interesting. Does that change the problem with HVY deployment? :D

It doesn't really address it one way or the other. There's still nothing saying you HAVE to perform both entering Moves on the same round, nor does it indicate whether you're still obliged to make the 2nd Move when entering in the middle of the board.

Though, in my opinion, those are questions that common sense alone should solve (you have to deploy fully in a single round, and when deploying in the middle of the board, the 2nd Move is not required).

"During the first round, all units must enter the battlefield."

"Like any other unit, large vehicles must use a MOVE action to enter the battlefield. Until

they are completely on the battlefield, large vehicles cannot perform any actions other
than the MOVE action, and cannot be targeted by an attack. Because of their size, some
large vehicles cannot fully enter the battlefield with a single move action. These units
must perform a second MOVE action to enter the battlefield."
The second move action part follow a sentence that states some vehicles cannot enter with a single move, in a scenario with no edge or large enough space a Heavy does not fall under this rule. In that scenario it can enter the battlefield in a single move so it is not one of "these units"

Double post sorry

I completely agree. As I said, I have no doubts regarding this deployment of large walkers. Anybody interpreting the rules differently is just trying to exploit nonsensical loopholes.

Yeah, that was for those folks.

I don't think I like the ruling on reactive fire. It seems counter intuitive both rules wise and logic wise. I have an unactivated unit that can react to an action the only reason I can't is because the rules say I can't because some other unit who could be 8 spaces away from me already tried to react to that action. I think the best resolution would be announce all reactions before rolling to see if a unit can react, resolve reactive fire in order or reacting players turn. reactive fire is a fun, strategic option that adds depth to the game. It is a big enough risk that it seems to not need further restrictions. Do you think my ruling would hurt game play at all? Are there any exploits that might make this dangerous? Do you think it would bog game play down or speed it up too much? Maybe increase the randomness too much? Thought/opinions? I'm new to this game so maybe I don't understand the dynamic enough.

I don't think your ruling would hurt the game at all. In all likelyhood, most of the time it would end up hurting the person trying to use Reactive Fire with multiple units at once. He will fail the rolls most of the time and be totally out-activated. It will only really be terribly advantageous in those "step on this square and win" scenarios, allowing the entire army to try and take down the unit making a break for it.

The Only case I can make against it would be if there are a large number of snipers, beobatcher and to a lesser extent recon squads on the field, you can just react to any thing your opponent does with 2+ squads. But I doubt most people field these units in the quantities that would make it a problem.

So what happens when a stim-ed unit activates for reactive fire?

just Logan said:

So what happens when a stim-ed unit activates for reactive fire?

The units turn is made up of two activations, so you can attempt 1 reaction fire in each action as normal.

Loophole Master said:

I completely agree. As I said, I have no doubts regarding this deployment of large walkers. Anybody interpreting the rules differently is just trying to exploit nonsensical loopholes.

Totally agree with that.

This is where I have questions "The next time the injected squad is activated, it can perform two

consecutive activations that round." I guess it needs an addenda of "If this unit is activated outside of the normal sequence it may still be activated a second time" That would cover Indirect Fire, Reactive Fire, and any other nonstandard activation. They do stress the consecutive aspect a bit though and I could see certain types attempting to get an unfair action advantage out of this (observe, indirect fire, activate a second time or even taking the second action in the middle of another units turn from reactive fire). The suggested add on above would resolve that. Other options you lose that second action but are not exhausted (harsh), or making it not trigger until a unit is activated normally.

Also, if I read correctly, you can chose to not take the second activation and not be exhausted. That could be useful in rare circumstances

just Logan said:

Also, if I read correctly, you can chose to not take the second activation and not be exhausted. That could be useful in rare circumstances

I don't really see that option being offered. If you get a stim shot, you're going to have two consecutive activations available to you, whether you use them or not (just like a normal unit always has one activation, even if he does nothing with it). You could then activate the units and do nothing at all, and you would still be burning through those 2 activations and would then suffer the normal consequences of falling on your side.

But your point about indirect and reactive fire is a good one, and certainly not covered by the rules. So far indirect fire is not a problem, since only tanks have that option and they do not get stim shots, but reactive fire is an issue. In both cases I would go for the simpler, more intuitive solution. When a stim unit gets activated, it does twice what a normal unit can do, so if it gets activated for an indirect or reactive fire, I'd say they simply get to do a Sustained Fire instead of a normal Attack, then they fall on their side normally.

Major Mishap said:

The FAQ is a complete rule reversal of all the answers we got via email, and a good thing too, the rules are now more logical and streamlined - still no idea how a heavy walker deploys on a space thats not a board edge though.

It's nothing new about FFG to answer an email with some some stupid ruling and then reverse it when releasing new FAQ.

At least they correct their mistakes.

Otherwise new FAQ looks fine, especially with explaining entering the battlefield and how reactive fire works.

The reason it seems option is what I got from reading the rules with no sense of what makes the most sense or what the intention is; The F.A.Q. says; "The next
time the injected squad is activated, it can perform two consecutive activations that round. At the end of the injected unit’s second activation ...These soldiers are now exhausted." From that I see the word can and a criteria (at the end of second activation) that is not met. In my mind that means second activation is optional and if not taken the unit is not exhausted. Now if I were the TO I would use the rulings on Must Activate and pass means activate and do nothing to mean that you have to act and become exhausted. The other side of the coin is this is a skill and skills override the basic rules.