Reprint of Dreamlands Cycle in 3x?

By AnotherHorrorFan, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

I have to admit that since I collect all 4 lcgs at the moment in varying degrees, this whole cycle still being in the old style has really stopped me from going all out on Call of Cthulhu. Has there been any buzz about Dreamlands getting the Summons of the Deep treatment? Since Defenders of the North and King's Landing are getting similar treatment in Game of Thrones I am hoping this is more probable.

Nothing official has been said yet that I know of, but you're not alone in waiting for this...

5 out of the 6 packs are now sold-out, I was wondering the same about the reprint with the 3x format… Any hope ?

Some long out of print and highly desirable packs for A Game of Thrones were recently announced for a reprint. I think we're pretty sure to get a reprint eventually, and if 5 of the 6 packs are really OOP then that would seem to be a good sign.

dboeren said:

and if 5 of the 6 packs are really OOP then that would seem to be a good sign.

Well, according to FFG's online shop. There might be stocks in local retailers though…

I haven't heard anything definitive, but they have already reprinted two full cycles in the new format, so I think that's a positive indication that Dreamlands may be eligible for the same treatment - particularly since it is nearly out of stock. FFG has gotten serious about reprints in recent years, which is a good thing.

At the same time, this would be a great opportunity to include errata and possibly even a redesign of problematic cards - the Dreamlands cycle has one banned card, two restricted, and a host of errata, would be great to have those be addressed in a new print.

I am fairly hopeful that we'll hear an announcement of a reprint soon. Call of Cthulhu may be behind A Game of Thrones on the priority list, but it is not (sadly sad.gif ) nearly as far down the list as Warhammer: Invasion, which may never see any reprints.

Runix said:

At the same time, this would be a great opportunity to include errata and possibly even a redesign of problematic cards - the Dreamlands cycle has one banned card, two restricted, and a host of errata, would be great to have those be addressed in a new print.

I wouldn't mind that, but have they done such thing before? It's tricky to have two different versions of a card out there…

+1 for reprint [3x of course]

FAQ errata is already printed on some card versions, i see no problems… older ones also work this way but you need to remember it. Getting better wording that doesnt change effect is tricky, but if they can manage it it would also be nice. And shure they have, my Aspiring Artist is the new, crappy version (too much nerf i think, but i dont know the reason/combo he was nerfed because of)

What are dreamlands banned cards? Interrogation is in summons, Magah birds are in dreamlands, but i dont think not printing them makes any sense if only for collectors purposes. This pack might use some better cards but i dont think adding new cards to old cycle is a good idea.

I'm sure they'd still include Magah Birds. Too much complaining if it were cut, after all there are groups that still like to play with mixed white and black border cards so I'm sure someone wants to use this too. Also, we've seen cards come off the restricted list before, so it's not inconceivable that cards could come off the banned list I suppose (they'd probably move to restricted).

Just to sweeten the pot an insignificant amount, if FFG reprints Dreamlands I promise to finally pick up that 3rd Core set I keep putting off.

dboeren said:

Runix said:

At the same time, this would be a great opportunity to include errata and possibly even a redesign of problematic cards - the Dreamlands cycle has one banned card, two restricted, and a host of errata, would be great to have those be addressed in a new print.

I wouldn't mind that, but have they done such thing before? It's tricky to have two different versions of a card out there…

They did do that for a few cards. I think Descendent of Eibon, Aspiring Artist, and a few others (very minor, basically fixing typos). The old versions just have to follow the errata like usual, while the new cards reflect the errata on the card.

.Zephyr. said:

Aspiring Artist is the new, crappy version (too much nerf i think, but i dont know the reason/combo he was nerfed because of)

There really wasnt a combo I know of that was the reason for the early ban, he was just too efficient of a card for Hastur. Even Nerds do not get that sort of efficiency in card draw that he got.

I agree the nerf bat was a bit too harsh on the aspiring artist, but at least it is a playable card again instead of just sitting in the binder…

Is the Magah Bird also fixable with errata? I really think it could get away with being restricted. Compared to some other cards on the list it doesn't seem that broken.

ssjevot said:

Is the Magah Bird also fixable with errata? I really think it could get away with being restricted. Compared to some other cards on the list it doesn't seem that broken.

As I understand it, the main issue with the Magah Bird was that it was part of a strategy based on very rapid deployment of characters to quickly win a story, then getting out The Seventy Steps to slow down the other player and going on to win the game.

I don't think Magah Bird was a problem on its own; it was in combination with The Seventy Steps and other super-fast characters like (the old) Aspiring Artist and Sewer Rats that it was a problem. Since those other cards have either been errata'd or restricted, I'm not sure it's as much of a threat any more. Also, a lot of decks now have plenty of destruction and removal. I personally don't think it would be a problem to move it from banned to restricted.

I don't think there is any point in removing the banned cards from a reprint.

Outside a competitive environment, why couldn't they be played with house rules ?

Now that FFG has announced that Call of Cthulhu will no longer have monthly packs but will be switching to a 3-times-per-year boxed expansion, some people are speculating that the Dreamlands reprint may be a boxed expansion as well.

However, Dreamlands contains 360 cards while the boxed expansions only contain 165, so if they did I wonder if they would either split it into two separate boxed expansions or perhaps just put them all in one box and raise the price to reflect the greater number of cards.

I could see them reissuing on box format, but I would imagine that that would be a certain amount of work. It may be easier to just use the existing design for the monthly packs and add in a few fixes and updates.

Maybe core sets 1 of each and 120 cards?

2 of each like secrets would be bad, but also viable.

Maybe two boxes of 180? Part I and Part II?

I only hope they will reprint in a format that makes getting 3x easy.

I'm betting on a box of 120, each card x1.

I like part 1, part 2 better but will take what I can get :)

I wanted to pick up the Twilight Horror AP to get Twilight Cannibal, but the cheapest I can find it for is $50…

ssjevot said:

I wanted to pick up the Twilight Horror AP to get Twilight Cannibal, but the cheapest I can find it for is $50…

Ouch! I scoured the web this week and managed to pick up THREE sealed copies for a total of $26.50! It wasn't easy, mind you… And I'm half tempted NOT to open them but turn and resell for 45 each! but I am nothing if not a completist and it will be physically painful for me to do so… Pain? Or profit? Hmmmmm…

The sad thing is I think most of the cards in the AP are quite poor, but Twilight Cannibal is really good.

ssjevot said:

I wanted to pick up the Twilight Horror AP to get Twilight Cannibal, but the cheapest I can find it for is $50…

Frankly, I got tired of waiting for a reprint.

I generally do not order direct from FFG, but has anyone seen their product page?

It appears that each AP is still in stock. Bad news for reprint, good news for those looking for the APs without paying scalpers prices.

The FFG site shows it being out of stock when you go to the specific page…