A Heroes game

By ColtsFan76, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

What I would really like to see is a game based on NBC's Heroes. As far as I can tell, there is nothing out there anywhere (unless it is some cheapo mass market game with a very loose theme pasted on) about this pretty popular TV series.

There are enough characters that a CCG would be a natural fit. But it also seems an adventure type game would work as well. Players could have character specific decks like in Android that reflect their special abilites. Effects could also be countered (like with e haitian) or duplicated (like with Silar and Peter). You could build them up over a few turns on a character sheet as they struggle to understqnd and develop their powers.

FFG seems the perfect company to grab the license, set up the character specific components (including miniatures of course!) and make the rest of the game look and play great.

Another option is not to have the classic characters at all (Because really, if I had to play Peter I'd play him as ineffectual, whiny and gullible as he is in the show) but to have an array of random powers that can be drawn.

Of course this would require a serious amount of design time, or else be highly unbalanced...But I think it could work.

heroes could definately work as an RPG. with all the characters that you encounter in the show, except you would make your own to play as, and just encounter the others.

Very good idea actually. Could perhaps in the form of Arkaham Horror? Instead of ancient ones there would be villians, such as Sylar, Nathan, Arthur etc.

I would say the "Heroes" IP is kind of lacking in the depth to produce a good game. I would say the "Wildcards" IP based on the books by George R. R. Martin would be more fruitful. The RPG is already being done by another publisher, but I think a board game or living card game based on "Wildcards" would be far cooler.

I would def be into a Heroes game of any sort!

Whether Heroes IP is lacking depth or no, it has worldwide exposure which Wildcards do not...