Should I get a second core set?

By BotanyGuy, in CoC General Discussion

Well, I am not planning on playing in any tournaments...just casual play with family probably. However, it does bug me a little that there's only one of every card and I'm worried the game won't play well with singles only. The one thing that turns me off from getting another core set is also the ridiculous packaging! I don't need/want another box and six (relatively) large plastic Cthulu's! So is it worth it to get another core set? Any advice is most appreciated.

I would kind of say no, don't get another core set. There are some old CCG players that probably have a lot of leftover commons to flesh out your collection if you're not going to participate in the organized play. There's always ebay. The only thing is you would have to buy a few hundred card protectors with the opaque back to mix the cards.

I would say yes. You found the game. Now enjoy it the way it should be played. Which means consider a third. $90 you say! Yup. Snuffling around for old stuff is silly. Bang out the purchase. The core set has oodles of great cards, once rare cards, powerful cards. It is the new cthulhu game. You'll never nowadays easily nab such an aray. (but there are chunks for sale out there, more than $90). And it's also silly to play this constructed set like a demo with no real creative control over what you want to do. Also silly will be having three huge boxes. But worse things have happened. It's about the crads and playing the game for real.

What Shoes said, in Spades, - - or, perhaps I should say, "in Cthulhu faction" !

Great avatar, by the way, which game is that Cossack from?


For casual play a single core box should be sufficient.

With a single Core Box you can already have 105 different match-ups. Only playing each one once should keep you busy for a while...

The deck building part will eventually come if you keep buying the Asylum Packs when they get released. You can already get AP5-7 for another 120 cards. After AP12 you'll have more than doubled the number of unique cards and a total of 475 cards.

Having said that, getting a second Core Box might be worth it, too. Assuming you're using those Cthulhu-Minis to mark drained domains, six will often not be sufficient as there are several ways of getting more than three domains. You'll also be able to play matches including the same factions on both sides (for a new total of 441 match-ups) or mono-decks AND be able to have some fun with building decks early on.

I cannot see any use for a third box unless you're starting to play competitive, though. And if you do, you'll also want three copies of every Asylum Pack...

jhaelen said:

You'll also be able to play matches including the same factions on both sides (for a new total of 441 match-ups)

If you have 2 or 3 coresets, you can start actually tweaking your decks, instead of playing a semi-highlander. If you like the game well enough, it'll totally open up the game for you, and bring a new level of customisation to the table.

Having played the Core Set pretty much non-stop all weekend at Con Of The North I think if you plan on just playing casually a single Core Set should be just fine, esp with Chapter Packs thrown into the loop. Adding one additional Core Set likely isn't a horrible idea to help things liven up a bit, but you could also acheive that by having a friend pick one up and "trading" some of your favorite factions with each other.

I agree that sharing three core purchases makes sense. Between three people, each gets 2 factions at 3X for $30. That's $15 per deck, which is unheard of. But go that far, and you'll likely want 3x core.

The only thing I could see becoming an issue is that Chapter packs have multiples of certain cards... so it may become that you'll start wishing you had 3 copies of cards from your favorite factions to keep things interesting. It honestly depends on how hardcore you plan on getting into the game (regardless of tourney attendance).

Thanks for all the replies! I think I'm convinced enough that I'm going to put a second set on my "wishlist", but in the mean time see how only one set plays. I've been burned on ccgs before and I don't think I could convince myself to go beyond two of the core set...and possible some choice chapter packs.

rcmoore said:

I've been burned on ccgs before and I don't think I could convince myself to go beyond two of the core set...and possible some choice chapter packs.

Of course, that's the point with a LCG. You never have to buy a box of boosters (or two!). You get a full set once a month for only $10.