Okay, I'm having a serious brain lock on making sense of how the Schizoid rules work.
I read it as - Schizoid draws an alternate victory condition that replaces the main victory condition of gaining 5 foreign bases. Okay.
Then it says the other 5 Schizoid cards are stacked in a pile.
Every time the Schizoid loses an encounter, the winner draws from the 5 (inactive) Schizoid cards and shows the card to all players on the winning side.
Then that Schizoid card is shuffled back into the pile of (inactive) Schizoid cards.
If I'm reading that right, the opponents of the Schizoid have to know all six types of Schizoid victory conditions - and then slowly narrow the possibilities down by beating the Schizoid and winning the right to view an unused Schizoid victory condition to narrow the possibilities.
I would assume then, the only way to avoid ceding a massive advantage to the Schizoid is to provide a list of all possible Schizoid victory conditions to all players.
Then all players try to win the right to narrow the odds and go for a victory condition. (Or Zap the Schizoid and win the old fashioned way).
Am I missing anything...?
Anyone have any session reports on how Schizoid worked in their game?