Little to No Interest in My Area... what to do?

By SanguinousRex, in CoC General Discussion

Is anyone else stuck in the same boat? I know the game is selling well because my comics store placed an order and were told that they didn't have any more of the latest card expansion only a week or so after it was released. But in my area there's literally no one who knows about the Call of Cthulhu LCG and I'm not sure what to do :( Anyone else find themselves hard pressed to find opponents other then friends who are using your own cards?


I can advice you 4 things:

1. look for local CoC Forums, and ask there

2. if you have a local store - you may ask there if there are some frequent CoC buyers, you can post adv there that you are looking for players

3. if you have a local store - ask the guy who is running it if he wants to play, usually those shops are run by games' fanatics (geeks) and on 90% he/they will agree; later some people may notice you playing and the community starts to grow

4. ask your friends if they want to play, I bought 5 boosters displays, gatherered 7 friends and we are currently running CoC CCG small Draft tournaments, after that we will run Core Set tournament. We will buy 2 Core Set, evey player will choose 2 fractions and we have 2 months of good game :) .

BTW: first tournament (on Cities) was won by the only girl in a party! WHAT A SHAME!

Well, one thought since you're on a forum full of CoC LCG players - tell us where you are! Stick something in your sig file, you never know if you'll be spotted by someone else who visits here....

i have to drive an hour, but its well worth it.