Self Casting and Lightning Bolt

By JGrummell, in Wiz-War

Hey all! So I just finished my first game of Wiz-War and our group had two questions I am hoping the community can answer.

1st off is casting spells on yourself. Can you cast Adjacent, Line of Sight, and/or globals on yourself. Our question came up with "Mental Force". This is a global attack spell that forces the target to move 3+Energy squares based on the caster's choice of movement.

Could a caster cast this on himself to gain additional movement on his turn?

My second question is related to lightning bolt. If you target an opponent with lightning bolt and the bounce back passes through your square (say if you are standing between two wizards and want to hit both), do you also take damage?

Thanks in advance!

The rules state that you can't attack yourself.

However, I think the lightning bolt can damage the caster since the target is not the original caster.

1. You cannot cast attack spells on yourself if card does not state otherwise (Waterbolt). So, answer is no, you cannot move yourself ith mental force.

2. You cannot target with Lightning Bolt someone, it's not a LOS spell, you just unleash Lightning energy in the direction of chosen square (you do not need to have LOS to that square). Lightning will travel number of squares equal to it's energy and hit for 3 magical damage anyone on its path, your enemy, yourself, monsters you summoned. It does not matter who casted it, it will damage anyone.

Thanks you two for the replies. I remembered that you could not cast attack spells on yourself but I couldn't find the rule in the manual.